目的 本文以探究妇产科护理中常见的不安全隐患为核心目的,并针对其给予最佳的防范对策,验证安全性、有效性。方法 参与此次研究患者皆来自本院妇产科收治的患者110例,研究时间为2020年1月-2021年1月期间,将所有妇产科患者分组进行对比分析,组别命名为对照组、观察组。对其实施差异性护理管理后,将两组护理质量、护理满意度、不安全隐患发生率进行对比,并将相关数据予以整合做详细阐述。结果 由研究结果数据可见,观察组在护理质量、护理满意度,两项数据指标均高于对照组,且不安全隐患发生率明显低于对照组,具有较高临床应用价值,据显示两组之间存在明显性的差异,统计学分析后P值低于0.05,即对比存在意义。结论 在妇产科护理工作中,多数患者情绪较为复杂,自身机体免疫功能较低,加以患者对药物原因、自身认知、注意事项等不够明确,埋藏潜在不安全隐患。护理工作中总结不安全问题,并运用不安全隐患防范法进行管理,可大幅提升护理质量,最大程度上提升妇产科的安全工作效率,获得患者高度认可与满意。
关键词: 不安全隐患;防范对策;护理价值
Objective this paper has explored the common unsafe hidden dangers in obstetrics and gynecology nursing as the core purpose, and given the best preventive countermeasures to verify the safety and effectiveness. Methods all the patients who participated in this study came to our hospital to treat 110 obstetric patients. The research time was January 2020From January to 2021, all obstetrics and gynecology patients were divided into groups for comparative analysis, and the sister was named as control sister and observation group. After the implementation of differential nursing management, the two nursing quality, nursing satisfaction and the occurrence of unsafe hidden dangers were compared, and the relevant data were integrated and described in detail. Results from the data of the research results, it can be seen that the observation sister has higher nursing quality and nursing satisfaction than the control sister, and the occurrence of unsafe hidden dangers is significantly lower than that of the control group, which has higher clinical application value. It is shown that there is an emperor difference between the two groups. After statistical analysis, the p value is lower than 0.005, that is, the comparison has significance. Conclusion in the nursing work of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the situation of most patients is complex and their immune function is low. In addition, the patients are not clear about the original week of drugs, their own cognition and precautions, bury potential unsafe hidden dangers, summarize unsafe problems in nursing work, and use the prevention method of unsafe hidden dangers for management, which can greatly improve the quality of nursing and improve the safety work efficiency of Obstetrics and gynecology to the greatest extent, Highly recognized and satisfied by patients.
Key words: Obstetrics and gynecology; Unsafe risks; Preventive countermeasures; Nursing value
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