目的 探究慢性胃溃疡患者慢性胃溃疡患者护理中施行个性化饮食护理的效果。方法 参与本次研究的研究对象为慢性胃溃疡患者,均在2019年2月-2020年2月期间收入本院,共46例。其中采取常规护理的患者设为护理B组,施行个性化饮食护理的患者设为护理A组,每组各23例。对两组腹痛、反酸以及灼烧感评分予以对比分析。结果 由研究结果数据方面上可见,护理前,护理A、B组腹痛、反酸以及灼烧感评分对比差异不满足统计学含义(P>0.05)。护理A组腹痛、反酸以及灼烧感评分相比较护理B组较低(P<0.05)。护理A组腹痛、反酸以及灼烧感消失时间相比较护理B组较低(P<0.05)。结论 在慢性胃溃疡患者慢性胃溃疡患者护理中施行个性化饮食护理,能够较好缓解患者的相关症状,缩短其症状消失时间。由此可见此种护理方法可在临床上予以推广。
关键词: 个性化饮食护理;慢性胃溃疡;腹痛;反酸;灼烧感
Objective To explore the effect of personalized diet nursing in the nursing of patients with chronic gastric ulcer. Methods 46 patients with chronic gastric ulcer were enrolled in this study from February 2019 to February 2020. The patients taking routine nursing were set as nursing group B, and the patients taking personalized diet nursing were set as nursing group A, with 23 cases in each group. The scores of abdominal pain, acid reflux and burning sensation in the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results it can be seen from the data of the research results that before nursing, the comparative difference of abdominal pain, acid reflux and burning sensation scores between nursing groups A and B did not meet the statistical significance (P>0.05). The scores of abdominal pain, acid reflux and burning sensation in nursing group A were lower than those in nursing group B (P<0.05). The disappearance time of abdominal pain, acid reflux and burning sensation in nursing group A was lower than that in nursing group B (P<0.05). Nursing satisfaction in nursing group A was higher than that in nursing group B (P<0.05). Conclusion the implementation of personalized diet nursing in the nursing of patients with chronic gastric ulcer can better alleviate the relevant symptoms of patients, shorten the disappearance time of symptoms, and improve their nursing satisfaction. It can be seen that this nursing method can be popularized in clinic.
Key words: Personalized diet nursing; Chronic gastric ulcer; Abdominal pain; Acid reflux; Burning sensation
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