



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2022; 1: (2) ; 88-90 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20220068.

Analysis on the implementation method and effect of case teaching method combined with standardized patients in psychiatric nursing

作者: 齐异果 *, 彭尹, 王小雨

绵阳市第三人民医院(四川省精神卫生中心) 四川绵阳

*通讯作者: 齐异果,单位:绵阳市第三人民医院(四川省精神卫生中心) 四川绵阳;

发布时间: 2022-08-10 总浏览量: 412


目的 针对在精神科护理学教学中采用案例教学法联合标准化病人教学法的实施方法与效果进行分析。方法 在本院2020年11月到2022年11月期间,随机选取在本院精神科护理学中开展相关学习的43名学生,对上述学生开展案例教学法联合标准化病人教学,对比学生学习案例教学法联合标准化病人前后理论考核成绩、学生对本次学习的评价以及学习前后学生对精神病人评估纬度把握情况。结果 通过开展案例教学法联合标准化病人教学学生理论考核成绩、对本次学习的评价以及学习后学生对精神病人评估纬度把握情况得分均要优于学习前P<0.05,具有统计意义。结论 针对在精神科护理学教学中采用案例教学法联合标准化病人教学法实施效果明显,能够有效提高学习理论、理解、应用能力,提高学生学习态度,增强学生对精神病人评估纬度把握情况。

关键词: 精神科护理学;案例教学法;标准化病人;教学效果


Objective to analyze the implementation method and effect of case teaching method combined with standardized patient teaching method in psychiatric nursing teaching.
Methods during the period from November 2020 to November 2022, 43 students who carried out relevant studies in psychiatric nursing in our hospital were randomly selected to carry out case teaching method combined with standardized patient teaching for the above students. The students' theoretical examination results before and after learning case teaching method combined with standardized patients, students' evaluation of this study and students' grasp of the latitude of psychiatric patient evaluation before and after learning were compared.
Results through the case teaching method combined with standardized patient teaching, the scores of students' theoretical assessment, evaluation of this study and students' grasp of the latitude of mental patient evaluation after study were better than those before study (P<0.05).
Conclusion   the application of case teaching method combined with standardized patient teaching method in psychiatric nursing teaching has obvious effect, which can effectively improve the ability of learning theory, understanding and application, improve students' learning attitude, and enhance students' grasp of the latitude of psychiatric patient evaluation.

Key words: Psychiatric nursing; Case teaching method; Standardized patients; Teaching effectiveness

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