Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2022; 1: (2) ; 20-22 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20220047.
Analysis of super early rehabilitation care on complications in severe emergency trauma
李鸿 *,
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院急诊医学科 云南昆明
李鸿,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院急诊医学科 云南昆明;
发布时间: 2022-08-05 总浏览量: 454
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目的 针对急诊严重创伤患者并发症预防要求,展开超早期康复护理的预防效果研究。方法 择取本院2020年12月-2021年12月之间收治的急诊严重创伤患者共有100例进行对比实验,按照护理形式的不同,将给予急诊严重创伤患者常规护理的纳入对照组,本组患者50例,给予急诊严重创伤患者超早期康复护理的纳入观察组,本组患者50例,对比常见并发症中,患者感染、炎症反应、呼吸不畅、皮肤破溃的发生例数与占比;统计患者经由护理后的效率(有效、显效、无效);统计患者下床活动时间、正常自理时间、住院时间,对比超早期康复护理对于促进患者恢复的效果。结果 观察组患者并发感染、炎症反应、呼吸不畅、皮肤破溃的发生例数与占比偏低,超早期康复护理的观察组,患者经护理后机体、生理恢复乃至心理积极屏障建立的有效率偏高,住院时间短,(P<0.05)。结论 超早期康复护理有助于急诊严重创伤患者降低并发症几率,协助治疗行为促使患者早期恢复出院,有助于降低患者的经济压力,预防长时间住院造成的心理应激,可在临床推广。
关键词: 超早期康复护理;急诊;严重创伤患者;并发症预防
Objective To meet the complication prevention requirements of emergency severe trauma pa- tients and study the prevention effect of super early rehabilitation nursing. Methods Select 100 patients with emer- gency severe trauma admitted between December 2020 and December 2021 for comparative experiment, Depend- ing on the form of care, Those who give routine care to emergency patients with severe trauma will be included in the control group, In this group, 50 patients, The included observation group giving ultra-early rehabilitation care for patients with severe emergency trauma, In this group, 50 patients, Among the more common complications, The number and proportion of patient infection, inflammatory reaction, poor breathing and skin rupture; The efficiency of patients after nursing (effective, effective and invalid); Activity time, normal self-care time and hospitalization time were patients, Compare the effect of super-early rehabilitation nursing on promoting patients' recovery. Results The number and proportion of infection, inflammatory reaction, poor breathing and skin rupture was low; in the observation group, patients had high efficiency after nursing, physiological recovery and psychological barrier, short hospital stay, (P<0.05). Conclusion Ultra-early rehabilitation care can help emergency severe trauma patients reduce the chance of complications, help patients to promote early recovery and discharge, reduce the economic pressure of patients, and prevent psychological stress caused by long hospitalization, which can be pro- moted in clinical practice.
Key words: Super early rehabilitation care; Emergency; Severe trauma patients; Complication prevention
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