目的 阐述亲情护理在小儿疝气围手术期护理中的应用效果。方法 选定本院2020.06-2021.12期间就诊于我院治疗小儿疝气患儿共计50名,随机数字表分组下常规组、实验组每组25例。予以常规组常规护理,予以实验组亲情护理,对比两组患儿临床指标、家长护理满意度、心率异常和疼痛率。结果 相较于常规组,实验组患儿临床指标、心率异常和疼痛率更低,P<0.05。相较于常规组,实验组家长护理满意度更高,P<0.05。结论 小儿疝气手术治疗需辅助优质护理,围术期建立亲情护理工作有利于提升疗效,建议临床应用。
关键词: 小儿疝气;亲情护理;围术期;效果
Objective To describe the application effect of family care in perioperative nursing of children with hernia. Methods A total of 50 children with hernia who were treated in our hospital during the period from 2020.06 to 2021.12 were selected, and 25 cases in each group were divided into the routine group and the experimental group under the random number table. Routine nursing was given in the routine group, and family nursing was given in the experimental group. The clinical indicators, parental nursing satisfaction, abnormal heart rate and pain rate were compared between the two groups. Results Compared with the conventional group, the clinical indicators, abnormal heart rate and pain rate of the children in the experimental group were lower, P<0.05. Compared with the routine group, the parents in the experimental group were more satisfied with nursing care, P<0.05. Conclusion Pediatric hernia surgery needs to be supplemented with high-quality nursing, and the establishment of family care in the perioperative period is conducive to improving the curative effect, and it is recommended for clinical application.
Key words: Infantile hernia; Family care; Perioperative period; Effect
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