目的 分析全面护理对胆结石手术后患者并发症及恢复情况的影响。方法 实验收入样本均为我院2023年7月至2024年7月期间收治胆结石患者,共计人数5例,以电脑随机分组方式作为标准,将参与者分为两组,即对照组(常规护理),观察组(全面护理),对实施过程中两组患者相关指标数据作整理记录,结合统计学系统进行对比观察,分析全面护理干预应用价值。结果 观察组患者并发症发生率数据低于另一组,恢复情况数据短于另一组,生活质量数据相比另一组呈现出较高优势性,组间对比P值﹤0.05,可见统计学意义。结论 胆结石患者实施全面护理干预可明显缩短恢复情况,降低并发症发生率,维护生活质量,整体效果确切,适合推广。
关键词: 全面护理;胆结石;手术;并发症;恢复情况
Objective To analyze the effect of comprehensive nursing on complications and recovery of patients after gallstone surgery. Methods The experimental samples were all patients with gallstones admitted to our hospital from July 2023 to July 2024, with a total of 5 cases. The participants were divided into two groups by computer random grouping, namely the control group (conventional care) and the observation group (comprehensive care). The relevant index data of the two groups of patients during the implementation process were sorted and recorded, and compared and observed with the statistical system to analyze the application value of comprehensive nursing intervention. Results The incidence of complications in the observation group was lower than that in the other group, the recovery data was shorter than that in the other group, and the quality of life data showed a higher advantage than that in the other group. The inter-group comparison P value was ﹤0.05, which was statistically significant. Conclusion Comprehensive nursing intervention for patients with gallstones can significantly shorten the recovery, reduce the incidence of complications, and maintain the quality of life. The overall effect is definite and suitable for promotion.
Key words: Comprehensive nursing; Gallstones; Surgery; Complications; Recovery
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