目的 分析心理护理用于血液透析的价值。方法 随机均分2023年1月-2024年11月本院接诊血液透析病人(n=62)。试验组采取心理护理,对照组行常规护理。对比SDS评分等指标。结果 关于护理质量:试验组高达(98.75±0.63)分,对照组只有(91.89±1.27)分,差异显著((P<0.05)。依从性:试验组96.77%,对照组80.65%,差异显著(P<0.05)。健康知识认知度:试验组高达(87.64±4.19)分,对照组只有(63.17±6.46)分,差异显著(P<0.05)。SDS和SAS评分:干预后,试验组(36.59±4.72)分、(34.74±4.05)分,对照组(48.51±5.64)分、(46.38±5.17)分,差异显著(P<0.05)。结论 血液透析用心理护理,病人的心态改善更加显著,护理质量也更好,依从性和健康知识认知度都更高。
关键词: 血液透析;认知度;心里护理;SDS评分
Objective To analyze the value of psychological care in hemodialysis. Methods Hemodialysis patients admitted to our hospital from January 2023 to November 2024 were randomly divided into two groups (n=62). The experimental group received psychological care, and the control group received routine care. The SDS score and other indicators were compared. Results Regarding nursing quality: the experimental group scored as high as (98.75±0.63) points, while the control group only scored (91.89±1.27) points, with a significant difference ((P<0.05). Compliance: 96.77% in the experimental group and 80.65% in the control group, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Health knowledge awareness: The experimental group scored as high as (87.64±4.19) points, while the control group only scored (63.17±6.46) points, with a significant difference (P<0.05). SDS and SAS scores: After intervention, the experimental group scored (36.59±4.72) points and (34.74±4.05) points, while the control group scored (48.51±5.64) points and (46.38±5.17) points, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Hemodialysis patients with psychological care have a more significant improvement in their mentality, better nursing quality, higher compliance and health knowledge awareness.
Key words: Hemodialysis; Awareness; Psychological care; SDS score
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