目的 探讨1例腰椎间盘突出症患者行腰椎术后合并输血反应的护理措施,旨在提高护理人员对输血不良反应的应急处置能力,确保患者术后安全。方法 回顾分析1例女性腰椎间盘突出症患者接受腰椎间盘摘除及椎弓根内固定术后发生的输血反应案例。通过分析护理人员的应急处理措施及术后护理要点,总结出有效的护理方案。结果 患者术后因输血发生过敏反应,经及时发现并停止输血,同时采取一系列紧急救治措施后,患者症状得到缓解。术后通过综合护理措施,患者恢复良好,顺利出院。结论 对于腰椎间盘突出症患者行腰椎术后合并输血反应的情况,需进行及时有效的应急处置和全面的术后护理。
关键词: 腰椎间盘突出;输血反应;术后护理
Objective To explore the nursing measures for a patient with lumbar disc herniation undergoing lumbar surgery with transfusion reaction, aiming to improve the emergency response capabilities of nursing staff to adverse transfusion reactions and ensure the safety of patients after surgery. Methods A case of transfusion reaction in a female patient with lumbar disc herniation who underwent lumbar discectomy and pedicle fixation was retrospectively analyzed. By analyzing the emergency response measures of nursing staff and the key points of postoperative nursing, an effective nursing plan was summarized. Results The patient had an allergic reaction to transfusion after surgery. After timely discovery and cessation of transfusion, and a series of emergency treatment measures were taken, the patient's symptoms were relieved. After comprehensive nursing measures were taken after surgery, the patient recovered well and was discharged smoothly. Conclusion For patients with lumbar disc herniation undergoing lumbar surgery with transfusion reaction, timely and effective emergency treatment and comprehensive postoperative nursing are required.
Key words: Lumbar disc herniation; Transfusion reaction; Postoperative nursing
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