Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (12) ; 32-35 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240457.
Discussion on the differences in treatment and nursing compliance between patients with pneumonia with high education and patients with ordinary pneumonia
周娟 *,
武警特色医学中心 天津
周娟,单位:武警特色医学中心 天津;
发布时间: 2024-12-28 总浏览量: 94
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目的 本研究分析在高学历肺炎患者与普通学历肺炎患者在治疗和护理依从性方面的差异。方法 本研究于2023年1月至2024年6月期间选取在我院收治的120例肺炎患者,按照学历水平分为高学历组(具有本科及以上学历,60例)和普通学历组(具有高中及以下学历,60例)。采用治疗护理依从性量表对两组患者在药物治疗、康复锻炼、健康教育等方面的依从性进行评估。结果 高学历组患者在药物治疗依从性、康复锻炼依从性及健康教育依从性方面均显著高于普通学历组(P<0.05)。高学历组在药物按时服用、遵循康复计划和参与健康教育活动中的依从性评分显著高于普通学历组(药物依从性:85.3±5.2分 vs. 72.1±6.8分;康复锻炼依从性:78.5±4.9分 vs. 65.4±5.6分;健康教育依从性:82.7±5.0分 vs. 70.3±6.2分)。结论 高学历患者较高的疾病认知水平、较强的自我管理能力及更有效的医患沟通。针对普通学历患者,应加强健康教育,提高其疾病认知水平以提升其治疗护理依从性。
关键词: 高学历;普通学历;肺炎;治疗护理依从性;差异性
Objective This study analyzes the differences in treatment and nursing compliance between patients with pneumonia with high education and patients with ordinary education. Methods This study selected 120 patients with pneumonia admitted to our hospital from January 2023 to June 2024, and divided them into a high education group (with bachelor's degree or above, 60 cases) and a general education group (with high school and below, 60 cases) according to their educational level. The treatment and nursing compliance scale was used to evaluate the compliance of the two groups of patients in drug treatment, rehabilitation exercise, health education, etc. Results The compliance of patients in the high education group was significantly higher than that in the general education group in drug treatment compliance, rehabilitation exercise compliance and health education compliance (P<0.05). The compliance scores of the high-educated group in taking medication on time, following the rehabilitation plan, and participating in health education activities were significantly higher than those of the ordinary-educated group (drug compliance: 85.3±5.2 points vs. 72.1±6.8 points; rehabilitation exercise compliance: 78.5±4.9 points vs. 65.4±5.6 points; health education compliance: 82.7±5.0 points vs. 70.3±6.2 points). Conclusion Patients with high education have higher disease cognition, stronger self-management ability, and more effective doctor-patient communication. For patients with ordinary education, health education should be strengthened to improve their disease cognition level and improve their treatment and nursing compliance.
Key words: High education; Ordinary education; Pneumonia; treatment and nursing compliance; Differences
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