Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (12) ; 5-8 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20241449.
A case study of breastfeeding nursing for a parturient with inverted nipples based on evidence
丘素芬 *,
广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心产科病区 广东广州
丘素芬,单位:广州医科大学附属妇女儿童医疗中心产科病区 广东广州;
发布时间: 2024-12-28 总浏览量: 131
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关键词: 乳头凹陷;母乳喂养;循证
Summarize the nursing experience of breastfeeding for a parturient with different degrees of inverted breasts on both sides. Key points of nursing: Establish a multidisciplinary team care model; Apply evidence-based thinking and use advanced health assessment methods to evaluate the health status of parturients and newborns and the degree of nipple inversion; Develop an evidence-based intervention strategy for the whole process. Cross exercises were performed in the third trimester to guide the correct breast massage method and feeding posture; EENC was performed immediately after delivery; milking and nipple corrector application were guided after delivery; On the third day after delivery, the parturient's right nipple was no different from that of a normal person after correction, the baby was able to latch, the parturient had good breastfeeding ability, and the early sucking effect was good; the correction of the left breast was ineffective, and a breast pump was needed to express milk, no milk blockage occurred, and the use of a breast shield was guided to help the baby latch. Follow-up was continued on the night, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after discharge. No milk stasis, mastitis, or breast abscess occurred. The milk volume gradually increased to a balance between supply and demand. The infant grew and developed normally. The breastfeeding process was smooth, and the mother was physically and mentally comfortable.
Key words: Inverted nipple; Breastfeeding; Evidence-based
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