



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (12) ; 1-4 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20241448.

Survey on the current status of defibrillator use by nurses in non-core departments of tertiary hospitals

作者: 郑月花, 屈健敏 *, 邓奕辉, 汤娜

暨南大学附属广东省第二人民医院 广州广东

*通讯作者: 屈健敏,单位:暨南大学附属广东省第二人民医院 广州广东;

发布时间: 2024-12-28 总浏览量: 110


目的 探究分析三甲医院非核心科室护士对除颤仪使用现状。方法 于2024年5月至2024年11月,选取三甲医院非核心科室护理人员共267例,作为此次研究对象。应用院内自制除颤仪使用调查问卷,对院内非核心科室护理人员开展问卷调查,明确三甲医院非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用知识的整体掌握情况以及不同学历,不同年龄,不同工作时间以及不同层级非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用相关知识的掌握情况。结果 非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用知识的整体掌握程度为75.28%,不同年龄、不同学历非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用知识的掌握程度无明显差异,P>0.05,高工作年限及高层级非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用知识的掌握程度高于低工作年限及低层级护理人员,P<0.05。结论 三甲医院非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪的使用及相关知识掌握情况呈现为中等水平,仍有待提升;在除颤仪的使用方面,低层级、低年资非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪的使用认知存在不足,需引起足够的重视,通过强化理论知识以及实际操作技能培训,以提升非核心科室护理人员对除颤仪使用技能的掌握程度。

关键词: 三甲医院;非核心科室护士;除颤仪使用


Objective To explore and analyze the current status of defibrillator use by nurses in non-core departments of tertiary hospitals.
Methods From May 2024 to November 2024, a total of 267 nurses in non-core departments of tertiary hospitals were selected as the research subjects. A questionnaire survey was conducted on nurses in non-core departments of the hospital using a self-made questionnaire on defibrillator use in the hospital to clarify the overall mastery of defibrillator use knowledge by nurses in non-core departments of tertiary hospitals and the mastery of defibrillator use-related knowledge by nurses in non-core departments of different educational backgrounds, ages, working hours and levels.
Results The overall mastery of defibrillator use knowledge by non-core department nursing staff was 75.28%. There was no significant difference in the mastery of defibrillator use knowledge among non-core department nursing staff of different ages and different educational backgrounds (P>0.05). The mastery of defibrillator use knowledge by non-core department nursing staff with high working years and high levels was higher than that by non-core department nursing staff with low working years and low levels (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The mastery of defibrillator use and related knowledge by non-core department nursing staff in tertiary hospitals is at a medium level and still needs to be improved. In terms of defibrillator use, low-level and low-year non-core department nursing staff have insufficient knowledge of defibrillator use, which needs to be paid enough attention to. The mastery of defibrillator use skills by non-core department nursing staff can be improved by strengthening theoretical knowledge and practical operation function training.

Key words: Tertiary hospital; Non-core department nurses; Defibrillator use

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郑月花, 屈健敏, 邓奕辉, 汤娜, 三甲医院非核心科室护士对除颤仪使用现状调查[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (12) : 1-4.