



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (11) ; 62-65 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240448.

“Internet + nursing service” under the construction of county medical community

作者: 姚灿珍 *, 吕仲兰, 俞亚维, 张满萍, 丁小, 丁赛帅

新昌县人民医院 浙江绍兴

*通讯作者: 姚灿珍,单位:新昌县人民医院 浙江绍兴;

发布时间: 2024-11-28 总浏览量: 122



关键词: 互联网+护理服务;医共体;居家养老;护理资源优化;农村健康服务需求


This study discusses the practice of “Internet + home care service” under the medical community model implemented in Xinchang County People's Hospital. By optimizing the allocation of nursing resources in hospitals, nursing services are extended to remote rural areas and families to meet the diversified and multi-level health services needs of the people. Through the questionnaire survey and data analysis, the research team identified the needs and influencing factors of the rural elderly people for home care and health services, and also assessed the main barriers to the willingness of primary nursing staff to participate. The research adopted the multi-stage strategy of problem discovery, team building, problem-oriented solution strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation, and finally established a set of “Internet + home care service” platform, which improved the service coverage and quality, and laid a foundation for the promotion of “Internet + nursing service” in the county.

Key words: Internet + nursing service; Medical community; Home care; Nursing resource optimization; Rural health service demand

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姚灿珍, 吕仲兰, 俞亚维, 张满萍, 丁小, 丁赛帅, 县域医共体建设下的“互联网+护理服务”[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (11) : 62-65.