



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (9) ; 120-122 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240389.

Nursing experience of preventing limb swelling after transradial coronary angiography

作者: 刘玲玲 *, 曹文凤

新疆生产建设兵团第六师医院 新疆五家渠

*通讯作者: 刘玲玲,单位:新疆生产建设兵团第六师医院 新疆五家渠;

发布时间: 2024-09-30 总浏览量: 20


目的 针对经桡动脉冠脉造影术后发生术侧肢体肿胀的并发症展开护理,并总结护理效果,从而达到提升疗效的目的。方法 择2022年1月-2024年1月在我院行经桡动脉冠脉造影术的患者100例作为研究对象,根据护理干预不同将患者进行分组(等分),行常规护理者纳入参照组,行优质的综合护理者纳入研究组,统计两组术侧肢体肿胀发生率、疼痛评分、患者自我护理能力评分、护理满意度,数据详细记录后进行相应的对比分析,更利于护理效果的判定。结果 两组患者术侧肢体肿胀发生率对比,研究组低于参照组;两组患者疼痛评分对比,研究组低于参照组;两组患者自我护理能力评分对比,研究组高于参照组;两组护理满意度对比,研究组高于参照组;两组数据对比差异明显(P<0.05),并体现出研究组优于参照组。结论 经桡动脉冠脉造影术后给予患者优质的综合护理,可有效预防术侧肢体肿胀发生,同时减轻患者疼痛感,提升日常自我护理能力,增强护理满意度,促进心理康复,加速整体康复进程。

关键词: 桡动脉;冠脉造影术;肢体肿胀;护理效果


Objective To treat the complications of postoperative limb swelling after radial coronary angiography, and summarize the nursing effect, so as to improve the efficacy.
Methods choose in January 2022-January 2024 in our hospital through radial coronary angiography of 100 patients as a research object, according to different nursing intervention patients group (equal), routine caregivers into the reference group, high quality comprehensive caregivers into the group, two groups of surgical limb swelling incidence, pain score, patient self care ability score, nursing satisfaction, data detailed record after the corresponding comparative analysis, more conducive to the nursing effect.
Results The incidence of surgical limb swelling was lower between the two groups; lower than the reference group; the difference between the two groups was obvious (P <0.05), and the study group was better than the reference group.
Conclusion   High-quality comprehensive care after radial coronary angiography can effectively prevent the surgical limb swelling, reduce the pain, improve the daily self-care ability, enhance nursing satisfaction, promote psychological rehabilitation, and accelerate the overall rehabilitation process.

Key words: Radial artery; Coronary angiography; Limb swelling; Nursing effect

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