



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (7) ; 102-104 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240288.

Implementation of early rehabilitation nursing in stroke patients with dysphagia

作者: 吾马乃木·亚生 *, 周晓航, 田媛

喀什地区第一人民医院 新疆喀什

*通讯作者: 吾马乃木·亚生,单位:喀什地区第一人民医院 新疆喀什;

发布时间: 2024-07-30 总浏览量: 202


目的 分析早期康复护理在脑卒中吞咽障碍(DSA)患者中的实施效果。方法 选取2022年5月至2023年8月收治的DSA患者92例,随机分为观察组(早期康复护理)和对照组(传统护理)各46例,对比临床指标、不良情绪、生活质量以及护理质量。结果 观察组神经功能评分、吞咽功能评分、运动功能评分、焦虑及抑郁评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组日常生活能力评分、肌功能评分、生活质量评分和护理质量评分均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 对于DSA患者,对其采取早期康复护理可以有效改善其多项功能指标,如吞咽功能、肢体功能等,同时其负面情绪也得到显著缓解,护理质量更是显著提升,值得应用。

关键词: 早期康复护理;日常生活能力;脑卒中吞咽障碍;生活质量;吞咽功能;护理质量


Objective To analyze the effect of early rehabilitation nursing in stroke patients with dysphagia (DSA).
Methods A total of 92 DSA patients admitted from May 2022 to August 2023 were randomly divided into the observation group (early rehabilitation nursing) and the control group (traditional nursing) with 46 cases each, and the clinical indicators, adverse mood, quality of life and quality of nursing were compared.
Results The scores of nerve function, swallowing function, motor function, anxiety and depression in the observation group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The scores of daily living ability, muscle function, quality of life and quality of care in observation group were higher than those in control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   For DSA patients, early rehabilitation nursing can effectively improve a number of functional indicators, such as swallowing function, limb function, etc. At the same time, their negative emotions can be significantly alleviated, and the quality of nursing care is significantly improved, which is worthy of application.

Key words: Early rehabilitation nursing; Ability for daily living; Stroke dysphagia; Quality of life; Swallowing function; Nursing quality

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