目的 以中风偏瘫患者为观察对象,分析采用分析中医情志护理模式,对患者抑郁状态、康复运动训练依从性所带来的积极影响。方法 选取2023年1月-2024年1月时间段,以60例中风偏瘫患者为对象,对照组(30例)采用常规护理,观察组(30例)采用中医情志护理,比较两组患者功能康复与抑郁症状变化。结果 观察组患者护理后SAS、SDS、Fugl-Meyer、Sheikh改善明显,患者依从性显著提高,组间统计学差异成立P<0.05。结论 运用中医情志护理有助于中风偏瘫患者改善心理状态,提升康复运动训练依从性和康复效果。
关键词: 中医情志护理;中风偏瘫患者;功能康复;抑郁症状影响
Objective To observe the patients with hemiplegia after stroke and analyze the positive effects of emotional nursing mode of traditional Chinese medicine on patients' depression and compliance with rehabilitation exercise training. Methods From January 2023 to January 2024, 60 patients with stroke hemiplegia were selected as the objects. The control group (30 cases) received routine nursing, and the observation group (30 cases) received traditional Chinese emotional nursing. The functional rehabilitation and depressive symptoms of the two groups were compared. Results The improvement of SAS, SDS, Fugl-Meyer and Sheikh in the observation group after nursing was significant, and the compliance of patients was significantly improved, and the statistical difference between groups was established P < 0.05. Conclusion The application of TCM emotional nursing is helpful to improve the psychological state of stroke patients with hemiplegia, improve the compliance of rehabilitation exercise training and rehabilitation effect.
Key words: TCM emotional nursing; Stroke patients with hemiplegia; Functional rehabilitation; Influence of depressive symptoms
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