关键词: 膀胱癌;输尿管;皮肤造口;延续护理;研究进展
Ureteral skin ostomy has changed the way patients urinate, requiring them to wear pockets to live, as changes in their appearance, urinary tract infections, urinary leaks, and other complications pose significant challenges to their physical and mental health, leading to a decline in their quality of life. Comprehensive and professional care must be provided to reduce patient complications and improve quality of life. Continuous nursing, as an extension of inpatient nursing, focuses on improving the self-care ability and self-management ability of patients after discharge, which can effectively reduce the complications after ureterostomy for bladder cancer, improve the surgical effect, and have a good prognosis. It has important application value. This article analyzes the current situation and types of continuous nursing needs of patients with bladder cancer and ureteral skin stoma, expounds the specific implementation methods of continuous nursing in practice, and summarizes the research progress.
Key words: Bladder cancer; Ureter; Dermatostomy; Extended care; Research progress
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