目的 讨论及研究助产士连续性护理在LDR产房中的应用效果。方法 收集2023年1月-2023年12月于我院产房分娩的105例产妇进行研究,随机分成对照组和实验组,对照组产妇在普通产房生产为常规护理,产妇数量为52名,实验组在LDR产房生产为连续性护理,产妇的数量为53名,分析两组产妇的分娩指标。结果 两组产妇通过不同的护理模式后,实验组产妇的第一、第二产程以及总产程时间更短,产后出血量低于对照组,会阴侧切率更低,P<0.05。结论 对在LDR产房分娩的产妇提供助产士连续性护理,可以缩短产妇的分娩时间,减少其产后出血量,降低会阴侧切的机率,值得在临床推广实施。
关键词: 助产士连续性护理;LDR产房
Objective To discuss and study the effect of midwife continuous nursing in LDR delivery room. Methods A total of 105 women who gave birth in the delivery room of our hospital from January 2023 to December 2023 were collected for research and randomly divided into control group and experimental group. In the control group, 52 women gave birth in the general delivery room for routine care, while in the experimental group, 53 women gave birth in the LDR delivery room for continuous care, and the delivery indicators of the two groups were analyzed. Results After different nursing modes, the first and second stages of labor and total labor time of the experimental group were shorter, the postpartum blood loss was lower than that of the control group, and the perineal lateral resection rate was lower (P<0.05). Conclusion Midwifery continuous care in LDR delivery room can shorten the delivery time, reduce the amount of postpartum bleeding, and reduce the probability of lateral perineal incision, which is worthy of clinical promotion and implementation.
Key words: Midwife continuous nursing; LDR delivery room
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