



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (6) ; 148-151 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240253.

Effect evaluation of pulmonary rehabilitation nursing for stroke patients with pneumatectomy

作者: 李晓燕 *

南京江北新区德驭康复医院 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 李晓燕,单位:南京江北新区德驭康复医院 江苏南京;

发布时间: 2024-06-26 总浏览量: 103


目的 分析讨论脑卒中气切患者肺部康复护理的效果。方法 选择我院2022-2024所接收的69例脑卒中气切患者为研究对象,平均分为观察组(肺部康复护理)与对照组(肺部常规护理),将两组护理后的肺部功能指标和炎症因子以及护理效果进行比较。结果 观察组患者血气与肺部功能各项指标(8.13±1.24、10.22±1.56、74.04±3.56、76.55±7.14)比对照组高,(P<0.05);观察组血清炎症因子水平(3.12±0.98、5.68±1.79、18.42±4.15)比对照组低(P<0.05);观察组护理效果(94.29%)比对照组高,(P<0.05)。结论 肺部康复护理在脑卒中气切患者护理中效果明显,值得广泛推广与应用。

关键词: 脑卒中;气管切开;肺部康复;护理


Objective To analyze and discuss the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation nursing for stroke patients with pneumatectomy.
Methods 69 patients with pneumatectomy of stroke received in our hospital from 2022 to 2024 were selected as research objects, and were divided into observation group (pulmonary rehabilitation nursing) and control group (pulmonary routine nursing) on average. The pulmonary function indexes, inflammatory factors and nursing effects of the two groups were compared after nursing.
Results The indexes of blood gas and lung function in observation group (8.13±1.24, 10.22±1.56, 74.04±3.56, 76.55±7.14) were higher than those in control group (P<0.05). The levels of serum inflammatory factors in observation group (3.12±0.98, 5.68±1.79, 18.42±4.15) were lower than those in control group (P<0.05). The nursing effect of observation group (94.29%) was higher than that of control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Pulmonary rehabilitation nursing is effective in the nursing of stroke patients with pneumatectomy, which is worthy of extensive promotion and application.

Key words: Stroke; Tracheotomy; Pulmonary rehabilitation; Nurse

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