



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (6) ; 103-105 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240240.

Application effect and value analysis of specialized nursing pathway in operating room in improving nursing quality of cesarean section

作者: 白万萍 *

青海省西宁市第二人民医院 青海西宁

*通讯作者: 白万萍,单位:青海省西宁市第二人民医院 青海西宁;

发布时间: 2024-06-26 总浏览量: 224


目的 分析手术室专科护理路径对提高剖宫产手术护理质量中的应用效果。方法 选择2023年3月-2024年3月收治的100例产妇进行研究,双盲法分成对照组、实验组,每组50例产妇,常规手术室护理管理,作为对照组;手术室专科护理路径,为实验组,评估两组产妇对健康知识的认知度、自我护理能力、新生儿护理能力以及手术室护理质量,明确两组产妇护理前后抑郁、焦虑情绪改善情况,掌握其并发症发生率。结果 实验组产妇健康知识认知度更高,其自我护理能力、新生儿护理能力显佳,手术室护理质量显优,抑郁、焦虑情绪明显得到改善,并发症发生率更低,p<0.05。结论 在剖宫产手术护理质量中开展手术室专科护理路径,可以提升产妇对健康知识的认知度,提升产妇的自我护理能力以及新生儿的护理能力,提升手术室护理质量,值得提倡。

关键词: 手术室专科护理路径;剖宫产;手术护理质量


Objective To analyze the application effect of specialized nursing pathway in the operating room to improve the nursing quality of cesarean section.
Methods A total of 100 parturients from 2023.3 to 2024.3 were selected and divided into control group and experimental group by double-blind method, with 50 parturients in each group and routine operation room nursing management as control group. For the experimental group, the awareness of health knowledge, self-care ability, newborn care ability and the quality of nursing in the operating room of the two groups were assessed, and the improvement of depression and anxiety before and after nursing in the two groups was determined, and the incidence of complications was mastered.
Results The maternal health knowledge of the experimental group was higher, their self-care ability and newborn nursing ability were better, the quality of operating room nursing was better, depression and anxiety were significantly improved, and the incidence of complications was lower (p<0.05).
Conclusion   Carrying out specialized nursing path in the nursing quality of cesarean section operation can improve the awareness of maternal health knowledge, improve the self-nursing ability of maternal and newborn, and improve the nursing quality of operating room, which is worth advocating.

Key words: Specialized nursing path in operating room; Caesarean section; Surgical nursing quality

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白万萍, 手术室专科护理路径在提高剖宫产手术护理质量中的应用效果价值分析[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (6) : 103-105.