



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (6) ; 87-89 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240235.

Analysis of risk factors of violence in emergency nursing and preventive measures

作者: 宋姗姗 *

上海市同济医院 上海

*通讯作者: 宋姗姗,单位:上海市同济医院 上海;

发布时间: 2024-06-26 总浏览量: 268


目的 分析在急诊护理中出现暴力事件发生的原因,采取针对性改善措施。方法 选取2021年1月至2024年1月之间的我院内部急诊科的30名护理人员,统计这些护理人员在工作中出现暴力事件的原因,根据原因制定针对性的预防措施,在2022年6月对护理人员进行专业性的培训,避免出现暴力风险事件。结果 急诊科中出现暴力事件的因素较多,主要有环境方面、患者及其家属方面、护理人员方面、设备系统方面等,经过培训后,和之前出现的暴力事件的频次相比明显降低,差异有意义(P<0.05)。结论 急诊护理属于风险性较高的工作,护理中很容易受到暴力事件的影响,采取必要性的培训措施,及时地发现问题并针对性地处理,能有效地避免护理人员受到身心伤害,降低暴力事件的发生率,建立良好的医患关系。

关键词: 急诊护理;暴力风险因素;暴力事件;预防措施


Objective To analyze the causes of violent incidents in emergency nursing and take targeted measures to improve them.
Methods Thirty nurses from the internal emergency department of our hospital from January 2021 to January 2024 were selected to analyze the causes of violence incidents among these nurses at work, according to which targeted preventive measures were formulated, and professional training was conducted for nurses in June 2022 to avoid violence risk incidents.
Results There were many factors in the occurrence of violent incidents in the emergency department, mainly including the environment, patients and their families, nursing staff, equipment system, etc. After training, the frequency of violent incidents was significantly reduced compared with that before, the difference was significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Emergency nursing is a high-risk work, and it is easy to be affected by violent incidents in nursing. Taking necessary training measures, finding problems on time and dealing with them in a targeted way can effectively avoid physical and mental harm to nursing staff, reduce the incidence of violent incidents, and establish a good doctor-patient relationship.

Key words: Emergency nursing; Risk factors for violence; Incidents of violence; Preventive measures

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宋姗姗, 急诊护理中的暴力风险因素分析及预防措施[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (6) : 87-89.