Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (6) ; 81-83 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240233.
Observation on emergency rescue nursing of acute heart failure
任小池 *
贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳
任小池,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳;
发布时间: 2024-06-26 总浏览量: 214
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目的 急性心力衰竭,简称“急性心衰”,是一种危重心血管疾病,在急性心衰患者抢救过程中,需采取有效护理措施,保证护理质量,才能让患者在最短时间内获得针对性治疗,降低死亡风险,因此本文观察分析急性心衰急诊抢救中应用优质急救护理的临床效果。方法 本次研究样本为我院急诊收治的急性心衰患者,对比实施优质急救护理措施前后两组患者的应用效果。结果 观察组患者生命体征和心功能指标改善情况均优于对照组,且观察组死亡率明显降低,P<0.05 具有可比性。结论 对急性心衰患者实施优质急救护理,能够显著提高抢救的成功率,明显改善患者生命体征和心功能指标,有利于改善心力衰竭患者的整体预后,为患者带来更高的生存质量和更佳的治疗效果。
关键词: 急性心衰;急诊抢救护理;应用效果
Objective Acute heart failure, referred to as "acute heart failure", is a critical cardiovascular disease. In the process of rescuing patients with acute heart failure, effective nursing measures should be taken to ensure the quality of nursing, so that patients can get targeted treatment in the shortest time and reduce the risk of death. Therefore, this paper observed and analyzed the clinical effect of applying high-quality emergency nursing in the emergency rescue of acute heart failure. Methods The samples of this study were patients with acute heart failure admitted to the emergency department of our hospital, and the application effect of the two groups of patients before and after the implementation of high-quality emergency nursing measures was compared. Results The improvement of vital signs and cardiac function indexes in the observation group was better than that in the control group, and the mortality in the observation group was significantly reduced, P < 0.05 was comparable. Conclusion The implementation of high-quality emergency care for patients with acute heart failure can significantly improve the success rate of rescue, significantly improve patients' vital signs and cardiac function indicators, and is conducive to improving the overall prognosis of patients with heart failure, bringing higher quality of life and better treatment effect for patients.
Key words: Acute heart failure; Emergency rescue nursing; Application effect
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