目的 本研究旨在探讨PowerPICC SOLO(末端瓣膜式耐高压注射型PICC导管)在肾移植手术患者中的应用效果和实际价值。方法 本研究共选取177例接受肾移植手术的患者,通过B超引导下置入PowerPICC SOLO导管。研究重点分析了导管的应用流程、优点、安全性及患者满意度等多个方面。结果 PowerPICC SOLO导管的应用显著提高了治疗效率,其双腔设计和耐高压特性允许最大5ml/s的输注速度,有效满足了肾移植术后患者对于大量补液及同时应用多种药物(如血管活性药物、免疫抑制剂)的需求。此外,导管的使用减少了患者感染的风险,并提高了患者的满意度。结论 PowerPICC SOLO导管由于其独特的设计和功能,在肾移植手术患者中表现出卓越的应用效果和安全性,具备广泛的临床应用前景。
关键词: PowerPICC SOLO;肾移植手术;导管应用;安全性;患者满意度
Objective This study was to investigate the application effect and practical value of PowerPICC SOLO (end valvular PICC catheter with high pressure resistance injection) in patients undergoing kidney transplantation. Methods PowerPICC SOLO catheter was implanted in 177 patients who underwent kidney transplantation guided by B-ultrasound. The study focuses on the application process, advantages, safety and patient satisfaction of the catheter. Results The application of PowerPICC SOLO catheter significantly improved the treatment efficiency. Its double-chamber design and high pressure resistance allowed a maximum infusion rate of 5ml/s, effectively meeting the needs of patients after kidney transplantation for large amounts of fluid and simultaneous application of multiple drugs (such as vasoactive drugs and immunosuppressants). In addition, the use of catheters reduces the risk of infection for patients and increases patient satisfaction. Conclusion Due to its unique design and function, PowerPICC SOLO catheter has shown excellent efficacy and safety in renal transplantation patients, and has a wide clinical application prospect.
Key words: PowerPICC SOLO; Kidney transplantation; Catheter application; Security; Patient satisfaction
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