



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (5) ; 114-146 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240206.

Application of quality control circle activities in improving the accuracy of oral drug administration in inpatients

作者: 陈兰, 杨仕容 *

贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 杨仕容,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2024-05-25 总浏览量: 296


目的 深入细致地分析、探讨、评价品管圈活动在提高住院患者口服药服用率中的应用效果和影响意义。方法 成立品管圈小组,拟定“提高住院患者口服药服用准确率”为活动主题,择选2023年7月至2024年2月作为研究期限,针对300例住院患者口服用药存在的问题进行分析研讨,将其按照平行序贯分组方式做组间安排,每组编入(n=150),A组:2023年7--8月未实施品管圈活动,B组:2023年10--11月,实施品管圈活动,而后对相关数据展开收集整理、统计分析,进行比对阐述。结果 实验结束后,统计学评估后发现,开展品管圈活动的B组患者在服药准确率方面体现,显优A组(未实施品管圈活动前)。结论 对比实验的开展,使品管圈活动在住院患者服药准确率方面的优秀影响价值充分体现,即有利于系统分析其要因,提出改进措施并实施,提高住院患者口服用药时间及准确率,提高治疗效果,促进患者康复速度,还可显著提高护理人员协作意识,提升护理服务质量,从而收获患者满意度提高,其应用价值卓越,影响意义深远,值得肯定与推崇。

关键词: 品管圈活动;提高;住院患者;口服药;服用准确率;应用


Objective To analyze, discuss and evaluate the application effect and influence significance of quality control circle activities in improving the oral medication taking rate of inpatients.
Methods A quality control circle group was established, and the activity theme of "Improving the accuracy rate of taking oral drugs in inpatients" was proposed. The research period from July 2023 to February 2024 was selected as the research period. The problems existing in oral drugs in 300 inpatients were analyzed and discussed, and the inter-group arrangements were made according to parallel sequential grouping, with each group divided into (n=150), Group A: In July-August 2023, quality control circle activities were not implemented. Group B: From October to November 2023, quality control circle activities were implemented, and then relevant data were collected, sorted out, statistically analyzed, and compared.
Results After the end of the experiment, after statistical evaluation, it was found that patients in group B who carried out quality control circle activities were significantly better than those in group A in terms of medication accuracy (before quality control circle activities were implemented).
Conclusion   The comparative experiment fully embodies the excellent influence value of quality control circle activities on the accuracy rate of taking medicine for patients. That is, it is conducive to systematically analyzing the main causes, proposing and implementing improvement measures, improving the time and accuracy rate of oral medication for inpatients, improving the therapeutic effect, promoting the speed of recovery of patients, significantly improving the cooperation consciousness of nursing staff, and improving the quality of nursing services. Thus, the improvement of patient satisfaction is obtained, and its application value is excellent and far-reaching, which is worthy of affirmation and admiration.

Key words: Quality control circle activities; Improve; Hospitalized patients; Oral medicine; Taking accuracy; Apply

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陈兰, 杨仕容, 品管圈活动在提高住院患者口服药服用准确率中的应用[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (5) : 114-146.