目的 分析程序化急诊急救护理对急性心梗死患者的影响。方法 本次研究的起始时间为2023年1月份,截止时间为2023年12月份,纳入本次研究患者的数量为80例,随机平衡分成对照组和实验组,每组40例患者,对照组提供常规护理,实验组提供程序化急诊急救护理,分析两组患者的总体抢救时间、住院时间以及住院满意度。结果 实验组患者总体抢救时间更短,住院满意度更佳,P<0.05。结论 对急性心梗患者提供程序化急诊急救护理,可以缩短患者的抢救时间、住院时间,促进患者的恢复,提升患者满意度,值得提倡。
关键词: 急性心梗;急诊急救护理;效果
Objective To analyze the effect of programmed emergency nursing on patients with acute heart infarction. Methods The start time of this study was January 2023 and the end time was December 2023. The number of patients included in this study was 80 cases, which were randomly divided into control group and experimental group, with 40 patients in each group. The control group provided routine nursing, while the experimental group provided programmed emergency nursing. The overall rescue time, hospital stay and hospital satisfaction of the two groups were analyzed. Results The overall rescue time of the experimental group was shorter and the satisfaction of hospitalization was better (P<0.05). Conclusion Providing programmatic emergency care for patients with acute myocardial infarction can shorten the time of rescue and hospitalization, promote the recovery of patients and improve patient satisfaction, which is worth advocating.
Key words: Acute myocardial infarction; Emergency care; Effect
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