



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (5) ; 72-74 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240189.

Influencing factors and nursing care of blood pressure increase during percutaneous kyphoplasty

作者: 马晓静 *, 王春, 赵文文, 杨元凯

张家港澳洋医院 江苏张家港

*通讯作者: 马晓静,单位:张家港澳洋医院 江苏张家港;

发布时间: 2024-05-15 总浏览量: 279



关键词: 经皮椎体后凸成形术;血压增高;影响因素;护理


Maintaining stable blood pressure during percutaneous kyphoplasty is very important to reduce surgical complications and ensure smooth operation. A total of 162 patients treated with percutaneous kyphoplasty from January 2022 to March 2023 were studied. To analyze the influencing factors of increasing intraoperative blood pressure and take corresponding nursing countermeasures. The main reasons were pain, psychological tension and fear, position change, noise factor, nausea and vomiting caused by special odor stimulation of bone cement, etc. Strict monitoring of intraoperative blood pressure, vital signs monitoring, nursing of oral antihypertensive drugs and strengthening psychological nursing.
Results 162 patients successfully completed the operation, of which 61 patients showed increased blood pressure after and during the operation. All patients' blood pressure was reduced to normal range by taking appropriate nursing measures. No complications occurred except for some patients whose pain was not relieved.

Key words: Percutaneous kyphoplasty; Increased blood pressure; Influencing factors; Nurse

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