



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (4) ; 106-109 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240157.

Nursing effect of pneumoconiosis patients based on psychological intervention

作者: 吴迪, 张奕, 王凯月 *

山东省职业卫生与职业病防治研究院 山东济南

*通讯作者: 王凯月,单位:山东省职业卫生与职业病防治研究院 山东济南;

发布时间: 2024-04-22 总浏览量: 171


目的 本文针对尘肺病患者基于心理干预为主导的护理效果展开分析研讨。方法 实验开展期限为2019年9月至2023年9月期间,采用住院患者调查、访谈法、文献资料法,构建尘肺病患者以心理健康干预为主导的护理方案的构架内容,而后借助德尔菲法对35名专家进行咨询。结果 研究结束后,所得效果理想,两轮专家函询的有效回收率达百分之百,咨询专家积极系数达百分之百,专家权威程度为0.88(>0.7)。第二轮函询条目重要性变异系数(CV)为0--0.28,条目可行性CV为0--0.27,均小于0.03;条目重要性和可行性的肯德尔协调系数(W)分别为0.361和0.425,且<0.01。结论 经研究证实,采用德尔菲法构建的以心理干预为主导的护理策略,可为尘肺患者提供个性化临床护理指引。

关键词: 尘肺病;基于;心理干预为主导;护理效果


Objective This paper analyzes and discusses the nursing effect of pneumoconiosis patients based on psychological intervention.
Methods The duration of the experiment was from September 2019 to September 2023. Inpatient survey, interview and literature were used to construct the framework of mental health intervention-led nursing plan for pneumoconiosis patients, and then 35 experts were consulted by Delphi method.
Results After the end of the study, the effective recovery rate of two rounds of expert correspondence was 100%, the positive coefficient of expert consultation was 100%, and the degree of expert authority was 0.88 (> 0.7). The coefficient of variation (CV) of the importance of the items in the second round of correspondence was 0--0.28, and the CV of the feasibility of the items was 0--0.27, both of which were less than 0.03. Kendall compatibility coefficients (W) for the importance and feasibility of the articles are 0.361 and 0.425, respectively, and < 0.01.
Conclusion   It has been proved that the nursing strategy based on psychological intervention constructed by Delphi method can provide personalized clinical nursing guidance for pneumoconiosis patients.

Key words: Pneumoconiosis; Be based on; Psychological intervention as the leading; Nursing effect

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