目的 研究分析腹腔镜结直肠癌手术围术期预见性护理和常规护理效果。方法 选取我院2022年~2023年的80例结直肠癌患者,将80例腹腔镜手术患者随机分为对照组和观察组,分别给予常规护理及预见性护理,并比较不同护理方式对患者的康复影响。结果 观察组护理后VAS评分、SAS和SDS评分降低明显,患者的睡眠质量和胃肠功能恢复情况更好,与对照组患者形成鲜明的数据对比(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜下结直肠癌手术患者,围术期应用预见性护理,可以极大程度上降低患者疼痛,减轻患者的心理压力,提升患者的睡眠质量,加快患者的康复速度,为恢复正常生活奠定良好基础。
关键词: 预见性护理;腹腔镜;结直肠癌手术;围术期;疼痛管理
Objective To study and analyze the perioperative predictive nursing and routine nursing effects of laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery. Methods 80 cases of colorectal cancer patients in our hospital from 2022 to 2023 were selected, and 80 cases of laparoscopic surgery patients were randomly divided into control group and observation group, respectively given routine nursing and predictive nursing, and compared the effects of different nursing methods on patients' rehabilitation. Results VAS scores, SAS scores and SDS scores of the observation group were significantly reduced after nursing, and the sleep quality and gastrointestinal function recovery of the patients were better, which formed a sharp contrast with the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion For patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery, perioperative application of predictive nursing can greatly reduce patients' pain, relieve patients' psychological pressure, improve patients' sleep quality, accelerate patients' recovery speed, and lay a good foundation for restoring normal life.
Key words: Predictive nursing; Laparoscopy; Colorectal cancer surgery; Perioperative period; Pain management
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