



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2024; 3: (2) ; 122-125 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20240079.

A survey on the willingness of nursing major students in first grade in higher vocational collegefor older persons care work

作者: 王娅敏1 *, 罗婷1, 刘芳宏1, 岳好2, 张欣2 *

1 北京社会管理职业学院(民政部培训中心)老年福祉学院 北京

2 北京社会管理职业学院(民政部培训中心)教务处 北京

*通讯作者: 王娅敏,单位: 北京社会管理职业学院(民政部培训中心)老年福祉学院 北京;张欣,单位:;

发布时间: 2024-02-20 总浏览量: 251


目的 调查高职一年级护理专业学生从事老年护理工作的意愿。方法 采用一般资料调查表和从事老年护理工作意愿问卷对高职一年级护理专业学生进行问卷调查。结果 本研究共调查106名高职一年级护理专业学生。结果 研究结果显示,24名学生喜欢从事老年护理工作(占22.64%),52名学生微微喜欢(占49.06%),19名学生稍微不喜欢(占17.92%),11名学生不喜欢从事老年护理工作(占10.38%)。统计分析显示生源地不同的学生,是否到专门老年护理科室见习/实习过的学生其从事老年护理工作的意愿不同(P<0.05)。结论 高职一年级护理专业学生从事老年护理工作的意愿相对积极。生源地为农村,有专门老年护理科室见习/实习经历的学生从事老年护理工作的意愿相对积极。在护理教育中,需要针对这些特点,可以加强对高职一年级学生的引导。

关键词: 高职一年级护理专业学生;从事老年护理工作意愿


Objective To investigate the willingness of nursing students in the first year of vocational college to engage in elderly nursing work.
Methods The general data questionnaire and the willingness to work in geriatric nursing were used to investigate the first-year nursing students in higher vocational colleges.
Results A total of 106 first-year nursing students were investigated in this study.
Results The results showed that 24 students liked to work in aged care (22.64%), 52 students slightly liked it (49.06%), 19 students slightly disliked it (17.92%), and 11 students did not like to work in aged care (10.38%). Statistical analysis showed that students from different places of origin had different intentions to engage in geriatric nursing (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Nursing students in the first year of higher vocational college have a relatively positive willingness to engage in elderly nursing work. The students came from rural areas, and the students with internship/internship experience in specialized geriatric nursing departments had a relatively positive intention to engage in geriatric nursing work. In nursing education, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance to the first-year students in higher vocational colleges in view of these characteristics.

Key words: Nursing students in the first year of higher vocational college; Willingness to work in aged care

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王娅敏, 罗婷, 刘芳宏, 岳好, 张欣, 高职一年级护理专业学生从事老年护理工作意愿的调查[J]. 临床护理进展, 2024; 3: (2) : 122-125.