目的 糖尿病护理中,研究全程健康教育的应用意义。方法 研究就诊于2021年4月到2022年4月的66例糖尿病患者,经随机方法分组为各33例,主要为对照组与研究组,分别应用常规教育与全程健康教育,比较患者的血糖变化情况和护理满意度。结果 研究组患者的血糖变化情况和对照组比较均改善,差异性比较为P<0.05;护理满意度分析,研究组的护理满意度提升,数值比差异存在,为P<0.05。结论 全程健康教育在糖尿病护理中的应用意义明显,血糖控制良好,护理满意度提升。
关键词: 全程健康教育;糖尿病;护理;满意度
Objective To study the application significance of whole-course health education in diabetes care. Methods A total of 66 patients with diabetes mellitus from April 2021 to April 2022 were randomly divided into 33 patients, mainly control group and study group. The changes of blood glucose and nursing satisfaction of patients were compared by routine education and whole-course health education, respectively. Results The changes of blood glucose in the study group were improved compared with the control group, and the difference was P<0.05. Nursing satisfaction analysis showed that the nursing satisfaction of the study group was improved, and there was a difference in the numerical ratio (P<0.05). Conclusion The whole course health education has obvious significance in the application of diabetes care, blood sugar control is good, nursing satisfaction is improved.
Key words: Whole-course health education; Diabetes mellitus; Nursing; satisfaction
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