



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (9) ; 21-24 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230290.

Application of Kuaiyou rehabilitation nursing in perioperative period of minimally invasive total hip replacement for elderly femoral neck fractures

作者: 张丽, 杨爱莲 *

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院康复医学科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 杨爱莲,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院康复医学科 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2023-09-24 总浏览量: 351


目的 分析和研究在老年股骨颈骨折微创全髋关节置换术围手术期护理中应用快优康复护理方式起到了效果和作用。方法 本次实验区间为2022年2月至2023年2月,实验对象为该时间段在本院收治老年股骨颈骨折患者80例,采用奇偶数法将其分为对照组和观察组,由于本次实验目的是了解快优康复护理的具体开展结果,所以应该将其和常规护理作为两个对比项,对照组实施常规护理,观察组实施快优康复护理,护理之后对两组患者基本情况实施对比,通过对比了解不同护理方式起到的效果以及作用。结果 通过实验结果可以得知,观察组患者术后运动功能评分优于对照组,并发症发生率为55,低于对照组17.5%(P<0.05)。结论 为老年股骨颈骨折微创前髋关节置换术患者实施快优康复护理,能够为其提供优质、细致的护理服务,也能从有效护理服务中降低多种并发症发生,所以能够实现患者运动功能的快速恢复。

关键词: 快优康复护理;股骨颈骨折;微创全髋关节置换术;围手术期护理


Objective To analyse and study the effect and role of applying the fast and excellent rehabilitation nursing approach in the perioperative care of minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty of femoral neck fracture in the elderly.
Methods The experimental period is from February 2022 to February 2023, and the experimental subjects are 80 cases of elderly femoral neck fracture patients admitted in this hospital in this time period, and they are divided into the control group and the observation group by using the odd-even method, because the purpose of this experiment is to understand the specific results of the fast-optimised rehabilitation nursing care, it should be used as a comparison of two items, the control group implements the routine nursing care and the observation group implements the fast-optimised rehabilitation nursing care. The control group implements conventional nursing care, and the observation group implements fast-optimal rehabilitation nursing care, and after the nursing care, the basic conditions of the two groups of patients are compared, so as to understand the effects of the different nursing methods and their functions through comparison.
Results Through the experimental results, it can be seen that the postoperative motor function score of patients in the observation group was better than that of the control group, and the complication rate was 55, which was lower than that of the control group by 17.5% (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   The implementation of fast and excellent rehabilitation nursing for elderly patients with minimally invasive anterior hip arthroplasty for femoral neck fracture can provide them with high-quality and meticulous nursing services, and also reduce the occurrence of multiple complications from effective nursing services, so that the rapid recovery of patients' motor function can be achieved.

Key words: Kuaiyou rehabilitation nursing; Femoral neck fracture; Minimally invasive total hip replacement; Perioperative nursing

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张丽, 杨爱莲, 快优康复护理在老年股骨颈骨折微创全髋关节置换术围手术期的应用[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (9) : 21-24.