目的 研究探讨基于微信平台的延续性护理在轻中度特应性皮炎(AD)患者中的应用价值。方法 本次研究选择2022年1月-2023年1月我院就诊的76例轻中度AD患者作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,各38例。对照组进行常规护理干预,观察组实施基于微信平台的延续性护理干预,对比分析两组患者AD评分指数(SCORAD)、皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)问卷调查。结果 两组结果显示,观察组均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于微信平台的延续性护理在轻中度特应性皮炎患者中具有重要的应用价值。
关键词: 微信平台;延续性护理;轻中度特应性皮炎
Objective To investigate the application value of continuous care based on WeChat platform in patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis (AD). Methods In this study, 76 mild to moderate AD patients who visited our hospital from January 2022 to January 2023 were selected as the study subjects and randomly divided into a control group and an observation group, with 38 patients in each group. The control group received routine nursing intervention, while the observation group received continuous nursing intervention based on WeChat platform. A comparative analysis of the AD score index (SCORAD) and skin disease quality of life index (DLQI) questionnaire surveys was conducted between the two groups of patients. Results The results of both groups showed that the observation group was lower than the control group, with a statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Continuous care based on WeChat platform has important application value in patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis.
Key words: WeChat platform; Continuing care; Mild to moderate atopic dermatitis
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