目的 探讨对住院失禁性皮炎患者护理过程中实施品管圈活动的效用价值。方法 此次研究共选取144例住院患者进行对比实验,经诊断均为失禁性皮炎,采取摇号方式将其分为对照与观察两个组别,均为72例患者,前者沿用常规护理模式,后者实施品管圈护理,对比两组实际应用效果。结果 经实验中各项数据表明,观察组患者的临床疗效及满意度明显高于对照组,与此同时生活质量水平显著提升(P<0.05)。结论 对于住院失禁性皮炎患者而言,采取品管圈活动能够有效改善其各症状表现,提高患者生活质量水平,相比常规组患者满意度更高。
关键词: 品管圈活动;住院患者;失禁性皮炎;护理
Objective To explore the effectiveness and value of implementing quality control circle activities in the nursing process of hospitalized incontinent dermatitis patients. Methods In this study, a total of 144 hospitalized patients were selected for comparative experiments. All of them were diagnosed with incontinence dermatitis. They were divided into control and observation groups by means of lottery. There were 72 patients in both groups. The former continued to use the conventional nursing mode, while the latter implements quality control circle nursing, and compares the actual application effects of the two groups. Results The data in the experiment showed that the clinical curative effect and satisfaction of the patients in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group, and at the same time the quality of life was significantly improved (P<0.05). Conclusion For hospitalized patients with incontinence dermatitis, the adoption of quality control circle activities can effectively improve their symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients, and the patient satisfaction is higher than that of the routine group.
Key words: Quality control circle activities; Hospitalized patients; Incontinent dermatitis; Nursing
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