目的 总结中医适宜技术的实施方案及在干眼症患者护理中的应用价值和体会。方法 随机分组路径下将我院收治的120例干眼症患者分为CG组57例和CG+ZY组63例。 CG组患者予以常规护理,CG+ZY组患者在CG组的基础上联合开展中医适宜技术护理,包括中药熏蒸、药棒穴位按摩、耳穴压豆。对比两组患者的临床疗效及护理质量评价。结果 CG+ZY组患者临床治疗显效率、获效率依次为82.54%、95.24%,均高于CG组的70.18%、78.95%(P<0.05)。CG+ZY组共96.83%的患者对护理质量表示满意,高于CG组的77.19%(P<0.05)。结论 通过中医适宜技术的联合护理可有效提高干眼症患者的临床疗效,在提高护理质量的基础上提高患者护理满意度。
关键词: 干眼症;中医适宜技术;护理
Objective To summarize the implementation plan of TCM appropriate technology and its application value and experience in nursing of patients with dry eye. Methods 120 patients with dry eye were randomly divided into CG group (57 cases) and CG+ZY group (63 cases). CG group patients were given routine nursing, CG+ZY group patients on the basis of CG group to jointly carry out traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technical nursing, including traditional Chinese medicine fumigation, medicine stick acupressure, and ear point pressure bean. The clinical efficacy and nursing quality of the two groups were compared. Results In the CG+ZY group, the significant efficiency and gain efficiency were 82.54% and 95.24% respectively, which were higher than those in the CG group (70.18% and 78.95%, P < 0.05). 96.83% of patients in CG+ZY group were satisfied with nursing quality, which was higher than 77.19% in CG group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Combined nursing with appropriate techniques of traditional Chinese medicine can effectively improve the clinical efficacy of patients with dry eye, improve nursing satisfaction on the basis of improving nursing quality.
Key words: Dry eye; Appropriate technology of TCM; Nursing
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