



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (7) ; 17-19 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230256.

Progress in the continuity of care for patients with bronchial asthma

作者: 陆艳华 *, 王东梅

江苏盛泽医院 江苏苏州

*通讯作者: 陆艳华,单位:江苏盛泽医院 江苏苏州;

发布时间: 2023-07-11 总浏览量: 880



关键词: 支气管哮喘;延续护理;研究进展


Bronchial asthma is prone to recurrent attacks. The continuous care of patients with this disease plays a very important role in maintaining the health of patients and preventing recurrent diseases. This paper summarizes the forms of continuous care, nursing content and nursing effect evaluation of this disease. At present, the forms of continuous care include telephone / network follow-up, door-to-door visit, health lectures, community management and other forms. The effect evaluation is mainly the evaluation of patients' psychological and quality of life. It is hoped to provide reference for better continuous care for patients with this disease.

Key words: Bronchial asthma; Continuous care; Research progress

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