



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (6) ; 94-96 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230250.

Nursing intervention for patients with heart failure treated by micropump with vasoactive drugs

作者: 帕丽旦•吐尔逊 *, 乔娟

新疆喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什

*通讯作者: 帕丽旦•吐尔逊,单位:新疆喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什;

发布时间: 2023-06-24 总浏览量: 351


目的 分析血管活性药物治疗心力衰竭患者用微量泵进行药物输入的护理措施。方法 将我院接受治疗的80例使用血管活性药物的心里衰竭患者参与本次试验,参与试验的患者均在2021年11月至2022年11月期间来到我院。根据双盲法将患者进行分类,每组40例,研究组和参照组。参照组采用传统护理方式,研究组在传统护理方式的基础上采用微量泵进行输入药物。分析护理前后心脏功能指标、护理合意度等指标。结果 研究组患者心脏功在护理前后改善对比参照组更为明显(p<0.05),且研究组的护理更符合患者心意,组间数据对比有差异(p<0.05)。结论 在用血管活性药物治疗的患者使用微量泵进行输入时,对患者心脏功能的改善效果更为明显。

关键词: 微量泵;血管活性药物;心力衰竭


Objective To analyze the nursing measures of drug input by micropump in patients with heart failure treated by vasoactive drugs.
Methods 80 patients with heart failure who were treated with vasoactive drugs in our hospital were enrolled in this trial. All the patients who participated in the trial came to our hospital from November 2021 to November 2022. Patients were classified according to double-blind method, with 40 patients in each group, study group and reference group. The reference group adopted the traditional nursing mode, and the study group adopted the micro-pump for drug input on the basis of the traditional nursing mode. The indexes of cardiac function and nursing desirability before and after nursing were analyzed.
Results The improvement of cardiac function in the study group before and after nursing was more obvious than that in the reference group (p < 0.05), and the nursing in the study group was more in line with the patients' wishes, and there were differences in data comparison between groups (p < 0.05).
Conclusion   In the patients treated with vasoactive drugs, the improvement of cardiac function is more obvious when micropump is used.

Key words: Micropump; Vasoactive drugs; Heart failure

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帕丽旦•吐尔逊, 乔娟, 微量泵输入血管活性药物治疗心力衰竭病人的护理干预措施[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (6) : 94-96.