



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (6) ; 72-75 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230244.

Observing the effect of comprehensive and high-quality nursing intervention on ICU patients with severe pneumonia and the value of its impact on lung function

作者: 王茂君 *, 蒋婧

南充市中心医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 王茂君,单位:南充市中心医院 四川南充;

发布时间: 2023-06-24 总浏览量: 350


目的 观察全面优质护理干预用于ICU重症肺炎患者的效果。方法 纳入2022年收治的78例ICU重症肺炎患者。普通干预组,39例行常规护理干预。全面优质护理干预组,39例行全面优质护理干预。观察效果。结果 护理6d后,全面优质护理干预组的HAMA评分,对比普通干预组[(6.59±1.02)分对比(8.27±2.03)分],更低,p<0.05。全面优质护理干预组的 FEV1水平、FEV1 /FVC水平,对比普通干预组[(1.87±0.31)L对比(1.32±0.17)L;(59.37±4.56)%对比(52.25±3.45)%],均更高,p<0.05。全面优质护理干预组的并发症发生率,对比普通干预组(2.56%对比20.51%),更低,p<0.05。全面优质护理干预组的护理满意率,对比普通干预组(97.44%对比79.48%),更高,p<0.05。结论 将全面优质护理干预,用于ICU重症肺炎患者,效果及肺功能更佳。

关键词: 全面优质护理干预;ICU重症肺炎;肺功能


Objective To observe the effect of comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention for patients with severe pneumonia in ICU.
Methods 78 patients with severe pneumonia in ICU admitted in 2022 were included. In the general intervention group, 39 routine nursing interventions were performed. In the comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention group, 39 conducted comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention. Observe the effect.
Results After 6 days of nursing care, the HAMA score of the comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention group was lower than that of the general intervention group [(6.59±1.02) points vs. (8.27±2.03) points], p<0.05. The FEV1 level and FEV1 /FVC level of the comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention group were higher than those of the general intervention group [(1.87±0.31) L vs. (1.32±0.17) L; (59.37±4.56)% vs. (52.25±3.45)%], p<0.05. The incidence of complications in the comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention group was lower than that in the general intervention group (2.56% vs. 20.51%), p<0.05. The nursing satisfaction rate of comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention group was higher than that of general intervention group (97.44% vs. 79.48%), p<0.05.
Conclusion   Comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention is applied to patients with severe pneumonia in ICU, and the effect and lung function are better.

Key words: Comprehensive high-quality nursing intervention; ICU severe pneumonia; Lung function

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王茂君, 蒋婧, 观察全面优质护理干预对ICU重症肺炎患者的效果及肺功能的影响价值[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (6) : 72-75.