



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (6) ; 36-39 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230234.

Analysis of VSD for orthopedic trauma and infection wound

作者: 田梦 *

保定市第二中心医院 河北保定

*通讯作者: 田梦,单位:保定市第二中心医院 河北保定;

发布时间: 2023-06-21 总浏览量: 327


目的 分析骨科创伤与感染创面VSD治疗的有效护理措施与价值。方法 2021年2月-2023年1月本院接诊骨科创伤与感染创面病人96名,随机均分2组。试验组VSD治疗期间采取优质护理,对照组行常规护理。对比创面愈合时间等指标。结果 关于并发症这个指标:试验组发生率0.0%,和对照组数据14.58%相比更低(P<0.05)。关于住院时间和创面愈合时间这两个指标:试验组数据分别是(10.92±2.53)d、(17.15±3.68)d,和对照组数据(15.83±2.91)d、(20.43±4.17)d相比更短(P<0.05)。关于护理质量这个指标:试验组数据(98.63±1.02)分,和对照组数据(89.52±2.57)分相比更高(P<0.05)。关于满意度这个指标:试验组数据97.92%,和对照组数据83.33%相比更高(P<0.05)。关于sf-36评分:干预结束时,试验组数据(89.32±2.57)分,对照组数据(81.36±3.48)分相比更高(P<0.05)。结论 骨科创伤与感染创面VSD治疗用优质护理,并发症发生率更低,创面愈合时间更短,病情恢复更快,护理质量更高,满意度改善也更加明显,生活质量提升更为迅速。

关键词: 骨科创伤;住院时间;感染创面;护理;VSD治疗


Objective To analyze the effective nursing measures and value of VSD treatment in orthopedic trauma and infection wound.
Methods From February 2021 to January 2023, our hospital received 96 patients with orthopedic trauma and infection wound. And they were randomly divided into 2 groups. The test group received quality care during VSD treatment, and the control group received routine care. Contrast the wound healing time and other indicators.
Results 0.0% incidence rate for complications is lower than 14.58% in the control group (P <0.05). Two measures of hospital stay and wound healing time: the test group data were (10.92 ± 2.53) d, (17.15 ± 3.68) d, and the control group data (15.83 ± 2.91) d, (20.43 ± 4.17) d were shorter (P <0.05). For quality of care: the test group data (98.63 ± 1.02) were higher (P <0.05) than the control group data (89.52 ± 2.57). For satisfaction: the test group data is 97.92%, higher than the 83.33% control group (P <0.05). Regarding sf-36 score: At the end of the intervention, the test group data (89.32 ± 2.57) were higher than the control group data (81.36 ± 3.48) score (P <0.05).
Conclusion   Orthopaedic trauma and infection wound VSD treatment with high quality care, lower complication rate, shorter wound healing time, faster recovery, higher nursing quality, more obvious improvement in satisfaction, and more rapid improvement in quality of life.

Key words: Orthopaedic trauma; Hospital time; Infection wound; Nursing; VSD treatment

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田梦, VSD治疗骨科创伤及感染创面的护理探析[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (6) : 36-39.