目的 分析针对精神分裂症患者,采用心理护理结合音乐疗法结合对促进患者康复的效果。方法 抽取2021年5月-2022年5月就诊本院的精神分裂症患者共计66例。计算机1:1随机数列均分组别,参比组(常规护理,n=33),分析组(心理护理+音乐疗法,n=33)。比较两组康复相关指标及生活质量。结果 分析组护理后康复相关指标(MRSS、BPRS、SANS及SAPS评分)均显著低于参比组同期及本组护理前,假设校验表意义(P<0.05)。分析组护理后生活质量(环境、生理、心理、社会)评分均显著高于参比组,假设校验表意义(P<0.05)。结论 针对精神分裂症患者,采用心理护理结合音乐疗法结合,既可提升患者生活质量,也可促进患者康复,可推广。
关键词: 精神分裂症;心理护理;音乐疗法;康复;负性情绪
Objective To analyze the effect of psychological nursing combined with music therapy on promoting the rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia. Methods A total of 66 patients with schizophrenia were selected from 2021.05 to 2022.05. Computer 1:1 random series were divided into two groups: reference group (routine care, n=33) and analysis group (psychological care + music therapy, n=33). Rehabilitation related indexes and quality of life were compared between the two groups. Results The indexes related to post-nursing rehabilitation (MRSS, BPRS, SANS and SAPS scores) in the analysis group were significantly lower than those in the reference group and before nursing, and the significance of the hypothesis test table was significantly lower (P < 0.05). The scores of quality of life (environmental, physiological, psychological, social) after nursing in the analysis group were significantly higher than those in the reference group, and the hypothesis test table was significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion For patients with schizophrenia, the combination of psychological nursing and music therapy can not only improve the quality of life of patients, but also promote the rehabilitation of patients, and can be popularized.
Key words: Schizophrenia; Psychological nursing; Music therapy; Rehabilitation; Negative emotion
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