



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (5) ; 117-119 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230217.

Nursing experience of a child with multiple systemic burns

作者: 梁丽香 *, 吴银燕, 王静, 罗春媚

广西国际壮医医院 广西南宁

*通讯作者: 梁丽香,单位:广西国际壮医医院 广西南宁;

发布时间: 2023-05-30 总浏览量: 369


目的 总结 1 例全身多处烧伤患儿护理方法体会。方法 对 1 例全身多处烧伤患儿,经术前护理补液治疗、高热治疗、完善相关检查,烧伤换药,在全麻下行创面清痂术,植皮术予营养支持、术后护理送回病房,保护烧伤部位,避免损伤、污染,抗生素预防感染、氦氖激光照射治疗及心理护理治疗。结果 患儿烧伤创面生长新鲜肉芽组织、无感染,植皮后皮瓣存活率90%,术后植皮成功,患儿住院36天病情好转出院。结论 通过术前烧伤换药、术后补液治疗、植皮区护理、植皮区护理、氦氖激光照射治疗及心理护理对烧伤患儿的恢复起到关键作用,全面的护理方式使患儿的伤口得到快速愈合,促进病情的恢复,提高患儿的生命质量。

关键词: 小儿烧伤;烧伤换药;营养支持;心理护理


Objective To summarize the nursing experience of a child with multiple systemic burns.
Methods A child with multiple burns throughout the body was treated with preoperative care, fluid replacement therapy, high fever therapy, complete relevant examinations, burn dressing change, wound debridement under general anesthesia, skin grafting with nutritional support, postoperative care and return to the ward to protect the burn site, avoid damage and pollution, antibiotics for infection prevention, helium neon laser irradiation treatment, and psychological care.
Results showed that the burn wound of the child grew fresh granulation tissue without infection, and the survival rate of the skin flap after skin grafting was 90%. The skin grafting was successful after surgery, and the child's condition improved after 36 days of hospitalization and was discharged.
Conclusion   Preoperative burn dressing change, postoperative fluid replacement treatment, skin grafting area care, skin grafting area care, helium neon laser irradiation treatment, and psychological care play a key role in the recovery of burned children. A comprehensive nursing approach enables the wounds of the children to heal quickly, promotes the recovery of the condition, and improves the quality of life of the children.

Key words: Pediatric burns; Burn dressing change; Nutritional support; Mental nursing

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梁丽香, 吴银燕, 王静, 罗春媚, 一例全身多处烧伤患儿的护理体会[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (5) : 117-119.