目的 探讨优质护理在子痫前期产妇产后出血护理中的应用效果及满意度影响。方法 将我院2021年6月-2022年6月60例子痫前期产妇,抽签法分二组。对照组给予常规护理,实验组实施优质护理。比较两组护理前后不良情绪、满意度、产后2小时和24小时出血量、产后出血发生率。结果 实验组不良情绪低于对照组,满意度高于对照组,产后2小时和24小时出血量少于对照组,产后出血发生率低于对照组,P<0.05。结论 子痫前期产妇实施优质护理效果确切,可有效减轻产妇不良情绪和减少产后出血,提高满意度。
关键词: 优质护理;子痫前期产妇;产后出血护理;应用效果;满意度;影响
Objective To explore the application effect and satisfaction effect of high quality nursing in postpartum hemorrhage nursing of preeclampsia women. Methods 60 cases of preeclampsia in our hospital from June 2021 to June 2022 were divided into two groups by drawing lots. The control group was given routine nursing, and the experimental group was given high-quality nursing. The negative mood, satisfaction, postpartum blood loss at 2 hours and 24 hours and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage were compared between the two groups. Results The negative emotion of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group, satisfaction was higher than that of the control group, the postpartum blood loss of 2 hours and 24 hours was less than that of the control group, and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage was lower than that of the control group, P < 0.05. Conclusion The effect of high-quality nursing for preeclampsia women is exact, which can effectively reduce the bad mood and postpartum bleeding, and improve satisfaction.
Key words: High-quality nursing; Preeclampsia; Postpartum bleeding care; Application effect; Satisfaction; Influence
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