



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (5) ; 75-78 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230205.

Effect of functional intervention based on environmental improvement in pediatric bronchial asthmaand its effect on lung function

作者: 蒙玲 *

南充市中心医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 蒙玲,单位:南充市中心医院 四川南充;

发布时间: 2023-05-29 总浏览量: 307


目的 探讨小儿支气管哮喘患儿在临床治疗期间,采用基于环境改良的功能干预模式的临床护理效果,并对患者的肺功能进行评价。方法 以2021年1月-2022年1月为研究时段,筛选出我院儿科接收的70例小儿支气管哮喘患儿为研究对象,以不同护理方案为切入点,将其分成2小组,即:对照组(n=35例,常规护理干预)和实验组(n=35例,基于环境改良的功能干预),然后对比两组患儿的护理效果,并对患儿的肺功能进行评价。结果 在干预前,2组患儿的肺功能指标(FVC、FEV1、PEF)及生活质量评分对比差异不明显,P>0.05;在干预后,发现2组患者的肺功能指标、生活质量评分都得到改善,但是实验组的改善程度明显超过对照组,且比较差异突出,存在统计学优势,P<0.05;另外,实验组、对照组患儿的家属满意度分别是94.29%、80.00%,且比较差异突出,存在统计学优势,P<0.05。结论 在小儿支气管哮喘患儿的临床护理中,利用基于环境改良的功能干预模式实施临床护理服务,有利于增强患者的生活质量,并改善患儿的肺功能状态,对促进患者病情治愈带来利好,所以,该护理模式的临床应用价值是值得肯定的。

关键词: 环境改良;功能干预;小儿支气管哮喘;护理效果;肺功能


Objective To explore the clinical nursing effect of functional intervention based on environmental improvement during clinical treatment, and to evaluate the lung function.
Methods to 2021.1-2022.1 as the research period, select our pediatric received 70 cases of pediatric children with bronchial asthma as the research object, with different nursing plan as the breakthrough point, it is divided into 2 groups, namely: control group (n=35 cases, routine nursing intervention) and experimental group (n=35 cases, based on functional intervention of environmental improvement), and then compare the nursing effect of two groups of children, and evaluate the lung function of children.
Results Before intervention, the pulmonary function indexes (FVC, FEV 1, and PEF) and quality of life scores of the two groups were not different, P> 0.05; after intervention, the scores of the patients in the two groups were improved, but the improvement exceeded the control group with statistical advantages, P <0.05; in addition, the family satisfaction of the children in the experimental group was 94.29% and 80.00% respectively, with prominent difference and statistical advantage, P <0.05.
Conclusion   In clinical care of children with bronchial asthma, using the functional intervention model based on environmental improvement implementation of clinical nursing services, is beneficial to enhance the quality of life of patients, and improve the lung function of children, to promote patients with cure, so, the clinical application value of the nursing mode is positive.

Key words: Environmental improvement; Functional intervention; Pediatric bronchial asthma; Nursing effect; Lung function

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