



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (5) ; 65-67 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230203.

The effect of high quality nursing intervention in patients after intracranial artery mechanical thrombectomy

作者: 冯琳莎 *, 李姣

南充市中心医院神经内科 四川南充

*通讯作者: 冯琳莎,单位:南充市中心医院神经内科 四川南充;

发布时间: 2023-05-29 总浏览量: 308


目的 在颅内动脉机械取栓术后患者中,实施优质性护理干预,评价效果。方法 研究对象是80例神经内科颅内动脉机械取栓术后患者,均于2019年7月~2022年9月期间就诊。普通干预组(40例):普通护理。优质性护理干预组(40例):优质性护理干预。研究效果。结果 优质性护理干预组护理1周后的HAMA评分、神经功能缺损程度评分均更低[(6.08±1.47)分、(11.05±1.04)分,分别与普通干预组的(9.98±2.07)分、(19.86±2.14)分对比](p<0.05)。优质性护理干预组护理1周后的生活质量(生理、心理、社会关系、环境)评分均更高[(16.77±3.21)分、(17.35±2.27)分、(15.22±3.13)分、(15.31±2.68)分,与普通干预组(13.56±2.18)分、(14.88±1.43)分、(13.87±2.19)分、(13.27±1.44)分比较](p<0.05)。优质性护理干预组护理1周后的临床护理满意率均更高[95.00%,与普通干预组77.50%对比](p<0.05)。结论 颅内动脉机械取栓术后患者中,实施优质性护理干预,效果更好。

关键词: 急性脑卒中;颅内动脉机械取栓术;优质性护理干预;满意度


Objective To implement high-quality nursing intervention in patients after intracranial artery mechanical thrombectomy, and to evaluate the effect.
Methods The study subjects were 80 patients after intracranial arterial mechanical thrombectomy, all were seen between July 2019 and September 2022. General intervention group (40 cases): general care. Quality nursing intervention group (40 cases): quality nursing intervention. research effect.
Results The HAMA score and degree of neurological deficit were lower [(6.08 ± 1.47) and (11.05 ± 1.04) than (9.98 ± 2.07) and (19.86 ± 2.14) in the general intervention group] (p <0.05). Quality of life (physical, psychological, social relationship, environment) was higher after 1 week in the intervention group [(16.77 ± 3.21), 17.35 ± 2.27), (15.22 ± 3.13), 15.31 ± 2.68) (13.31 ± 2.18), (14.43), (13.87 ± 2.19), (13.27 ± 1.44) with the general intervention group] (p <0.05). The satisfaction rate of clinical nursing was higher in the quality nursing intervention group [95.00%, compared with 77.50% in the general intervention group] (p <0.05).
Conclusion   Quality nursing intervention after mechanical thrombectomy is better.

Key words: Acute stroke; Intracranial artery mechanical thrombectomy; High-quality nursing intervention; satisfaction

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冯琳莎, 李姣, 优质性护理干预在神经内科颅内动脉机械取栓术后患者中的效果观察[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (5) : 65-67.