



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (5) ; 58-61 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230201.

Effect of targeted nursing intervention on peripheral venous vasoactive drug induced phlebitisand patients' quality of life

作者: 乔娟 *, 古丽湖玛尔•艾尔西丁

新疆喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什

*通讯作者: 乔娟,单位:新疆喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什;

发布时间: 2023-05-29 总浏览量: 330


目的 研究对外周静脉血管活性药物所引起的静脉炎患者采用针对护理将会带来生活质量影响。方法 从我院治疗因外周静脉活性药物而引起静脉炎疾病的患者中抽取在2020年4月至2021年4月时间内的92例患者作为研究成员。依照不同的护理措施将患者进行分组,每组46例,分为研究组和常规组,研究组选用针对护理,常规组选用基础护理。分析护理前后患者的SDS、SAS评分、静脉炎病情情况以及生活质量评分等指标。结果 研究组患者在接受护理后在SDS评分和SAS评分上,明显高于常规组(p<0.05),研究组患者对于发生静脉炎疾病的情况要更加理想,组间数据对比有差异(p<0.05),采用针对护理的研究组可以使患者的生活质量提升更加明显,具有统计学意义(p<0.05)。结论 对于因外周静脉血管活性药物而导致静脉炎患者使用针对性护理可以减低患者发生抑郁的情况,将静脉炎病情进行有效减缓,并且使患者的生活质量有明显的上升。

关键词: 针对性护理;静脉炎;生活质量


Objective To study the effect of targeted care on the quality of life of patients with peripheral muscle vasoactive drug induced phlebitis.
Methods 90 patients treated with phlebitis caused by peripheral intravenous active drugs in our hospital from April 2020 to April 2021 were selected as study members. In accordance with different nursing measures will be divided into groups of patients, each group of 45 cases, divided into research group and conventional group, study group selection for nursing, conventional group selection of basic nursing. SDS, SAS score, phlebitis condition and quality of life score of patients before and after nursing were analyzed.
Results Study group patients in SDS score and SAS score, significantly higher than the conventional group (p < 0.05), study group patients for the occurrence of phlebitis disease situation to be more ideal, there is a difference between the groups of data comparison (p < 0.05), the use of nursing study group can make patients improve the quality of life more obvious, with statistical significance (p < 0.05).
Conclusion   For patients with phlebitis caused by peripheral venous vasoactive drugs, the use of targeted care can reduce the incidence of depression, effectively slow down the disease of phlebitis, and improve the quality of life of patients.

Key words: Targeted nursing; Phlebitis; Quality of life

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乔娟, 古丽湖玛尔•艾尔西丁, 针对性护理干预对外周静脉血管活性药物所致的静脉炎及患者生活质量的影响[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (5) : 58-61.