



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (5) ; 12-14 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230187.

Evaluation of the effect of the cooperative scenario simulation teaching methodin the obstetric clinical nursing practice teaching

作者: 张小兰, 尚钟婉, 云杉 *

西南医科大学附属中医医院 四川泸州

*通讯作者: 云杉,单位:西南医科大学附属中医医院 四川泸州;

发布时间: 2023-05-28 总浏览量: 301


目的 探讨合作式情景模拟教学方法在产科临床护理实践教学中的效果。方法 选取100例护理学生作为研究对象,将其分为对照组(n=50)与观察组(n=50),对照组接受传统教学模式,观察组接受合作式情景模拟教学方法,针对两组实习护理学生的理论和实践技能考试成绩、综合能力、教学效果满意度进行观察比较。结果 观察组的理论和实践技能考试成绩高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组综合能力总分高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组教学效果满意度高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 合作式情景模拟教学方法可以引导产科临床护理实习生掌握更多理论知识和操作技能,使其可以与其他护理人员默契配合,形成良好的应急能力与沟通能力,增强了护理实习生的职业认同感,确保其护理整体观念有所提升。

关键词: 合作式;情景模拟;教学;产科;临床护理;实践教学


Objective To discuss the effect of cooperative scenario simulation teaching method in obstetric clinical nursing practice teaching.
Methods of 100 cases of nursing students as the research object, it is divided into control group (n=50) and observation group (n=50), control group accept traditional teaching mode, observation group accept cooperative scenario simulation teaching method, for two groups practice nursing students' theoretical and practical skills test scores, comprehensive ability, teaching effect satisfaction.
Results The theoretical and practical skills test scores were higher in the observation group than that of the control group (P <0.05); the total comprehensive ability score of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P <0.05); and the teaching effect satisfaction of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P <0.05).
Conclusion   The cooperative scenario simulation teaching method can guide obstetric clinical nursing interns to master more theoretical knowledge and operational skills, so that they can cooperate with other nursing staff, form good emergency ability and communication ability, enhance the professional identity of nursing interns, and ensure that their overall nursing concept has been improved.

Key words: Cooperation; Scenario simulation; Teaching; Obstetrics; Clinical nursing; Practice teaching

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张小兰, 尚钟婉, 云杉, 合作式情景模拟教学方法在产科临床护理实践教学中的效果评价[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (5) : 12-14.