目的 分析小儿高热惊厥治疗时结合应用热水足浴以及全面护理干预效果及价值。方法 在2022年1月-2023年1月期间择我院接受治疗的小儿高热惊厥患儿100例参与本次研究,通过电脑盲选,将患儿均分两组,针对两组应用效果观察后进行组间对比。结果 总有效率研究组高于参照组、两组血钠、血钾、血糖各项指标组间存在明显差异、患儿护理 30 min 后体温、惊厥消失时间、住院时间各项相关指标数据研究组低于参照组,且患儿家长总满意率研究组高于参照组,两组数据均以研究组显优。结论 研究表明,热水足浴配合临床治疗可有效提升对小儿高热惊厥的治疗效果,通过全面有效的护理帮助患儿优化临床血清指标水平,积极预防惊厥,控制体温,缩短临床惊厥时间以及在院住院时间,效果令患儿家长满意,具有应用及推广价值。
关键词: 小儿高热惊厥;热水足浴;全面护理
Objective To analyze the effect and value of hot water foot bath and comprehensive nursing intervention in the treatment of febrile convulsion. Methods 100 children with febrile convulsions treated in our hospital from January 2022 to January 2023 participated in this study. The children were divided into two groups through the computer blind selection, and the application effects of the two groups were observed. Results The total response rate study group was higher than that of the reference group, there were significant differences between the indexes of blood sodium, blood potassium and blood glucose in the two groups, and the time of convulsions, and time of hospitalization after 30 min of nursing It was lower than the reference group, and the total satisfaction rate of the parents was higher than the reference group, and the data of both groups were excellent in the study group. Conclusion Studies show that the hot water foot bath with clinical treatment can effectively improve the treatment effect of pediatric febrile convulsion, through comprehensive and effective care to help children optimize clinical serum index level, actively prevent convulsion, temperature control, shorten the time of clinical convulsion and hospitalization time in hospital, the effect of children parents, with application and promotion value.
Key words: Children with high fever convulsions; Hot water foot bath; Comprehensive care
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