



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (4) ; 112-114 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230174.

Analysis of quality control circle improving breastfeeding education rate during pregnancy

作者: 孙欣, 曹婷婷, 朱玉权 *

镇江瑞康医院 江苏镇江

*通讯作者: 朱玉权,单位:镇江瑞康医院 江苏镇江;

发布时间: 2023-04-26 总浏览量: 434


目的 分析品管圈提高孕期母乳喂养宣教率。方法 通过品管圈活动小组,选定“提高孕期母乳喂养宣教率”为活动主题,选取本院妇产科门诊自2022年3月7-18日母乳喂养宣教中存在的问题进行分析,制定相应优化措施,促进母乳喂养宣教率提升。结果 改善后母乳喂养宣教率达89%明显高于改善前35.4%;相同周期内参加母乳喂养宣教的人数为73人高于改善前的28人;目标达成率:106.1%;进步率:151.4%。结论 经过本次活动,准确找到了母乳喂养宣教参加率低的真因,并提出相应改善措施,提高了孕期母乳喂养的宣教率。

关键词: 品管圈;孕期母乳喂养;宣教率分析


Objective To improve the education rate of breastfeeding during pregnancy through quality control circle activities.
Methods Through the quality control circle activity group, the theme of "improving the education rate of breastfeeding during pregnancy" was selected as the theme of the activity, and the problems existing in the breastfeeding education in the outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology from March 7-18, 2022 in our Hospital were selected. Carry out analysis, formulate corresponding optimization measures, and improve the rate of breastfeeding education.
Results After the improvement, the breastfeeding education rate of 89% was significantly higher than that before the improvement, 35.4%; the number of people who participated in the breastfeeding education after the improvement was 73 higher than the 28 before the improvement; the goal achievement rate: 106.1%; the progress rate: 151.4%.
Conclusion   After this activity, the true cause of breastfeeding education was accurately found, and corresponding improvement measures were put forward, which improved the education rate of breastfeeding during pregnancy.

Key words: Quality control circle; Breastfeeding during pregnancy; Education rate analysis

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孙欣, 曹婷婷, 朱玉权, 品管圈提高孕期母乳喂养宣教率分析[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (4) : 112-114.