目的 分析心脏外科手术病人术后疼痛的原因和护理干预的应用价值。方法 对2021年2月-2023年1月本院接诊心脏外科手术病人(n=62)进行随机分组,试验和对照组各31人,前者分析术后疼痛产生的原因,并予以护理干预,后者行常规护理。对比VAS评分等指标。结果 关于VAS评分,干预结束时:试验组数据(2.71±0.36)分,和对照组数据(4.13±0.52)分相比更低(P<0.05)。关于SDS和SAS评分:干预结束时:试验组数据分别是(33.15±3.74)分、(34.03±3.98)分,和对照组数据(45.27±4.96)分、(46.23±5.26)分相比更低(P<0.05)。试验组患者在舒适状态量表GCO评估中各项得分结果优于对照组,对比具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 心脏外科手术病人用护理干预,疼痛感减轻更加明显,负性情绪缓解更为迅速,舒适度更高。
关键词: 心脏外科手术;满意度;疼痛;护理干预
Objective To analyze the causes of postoperative pain and the application value of nursing intervention. Methods The cardiac surgery patients (n=62) from February 2021 to January 2023 were randomized, 31 patients in the control group, the former analyzed the causes of postoperative pain and gave nursing intervention, and the latter underwent routine care. VAS vs. VAS score. Results Regarding the VAS score, at the end of the intervention: the trial group data (2.71 ± 0.36) score was lower than the control group data (4.13 ± 0.52) score (P <0.05). For SDS and SAS scores: At the end of the intervention: trial group data were lower (33.15 ± 3.74), (34.03 ± 3.98), and control data (45.27 ± 4.96) and (46.23 ± 5.26) (P <0.05). The scores of the patients in the control group were statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion With nursing intervention in cardiac surgery patients, pain relief is more obvious, negative mood relief is more rapid, and comfort is higher.
Key words: Cardiac surgery; Satisfaction; Pain; Nursing intervention
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