



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (4) ; 32-35 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230150.

Application of SBAR communication mode in nursing handover in intensive care unit
SBAR 沟通模式在重症监护室护理交接班中的应用

作者: 惠玉凤 *, 赵文梅

喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什

*通讯作者: 惠玉凤,单位:喀什地区第二人民医院 新疆喀什;

发布时间: 2023-04-24 总浏览量: 364


目的 围绕重症监护病房交接班开展试验,经数据比对,对沟通模式的规划优势进行直观展示。方法 于院内开展跨度覆盖3年的临床空白对照试验,将2021年作为试验起点,将覆盖区间内重症监护病房中的就诊对象作为受试者(n=80),令患者先后入组A组(n=40,未进行沟通模式规划)与B组(n=40,实施SBAR沟通模式)。观察:护士对患者病情掌握程度;生活质量改善情况临床评估;护理满意度改善情况临床评估。结果 B组护士对患者的病情掌握程度评分更高,与A组患者完成统计比对后组间存在的数据不支持试验具备统计意义的概率低于标准值(P<0.05);B组患者生活质量改善情况临床评分更高,与A组患者完成统计比对后组间存在的数据不支持试验具备统计意义的概率低于标准值(P<0.05);B组患者护理满意度各维度临床评估分数更高,与A组患者完成统计比对后组间存在的数据不支持试验具备统计意义的概率低于标准值(P<0.05)。结论 为重症监护病房患者规划沟通模式有助于提高患者生活质量与对于临床护理的满意程度评价。

关键词: 重症护理;沟通模式规划;SBAR模式


Objective To conduct experiments around the shift handover in intensive care units, and visually demonstrate the planning advantages of communication mode through data comparison.
Methods A 3-year clinical blank control trial was conducted in the hospital, with 2021 as the starting point. Patients in the intensive care unit within the coverage area were selected as subjects (n=80), and patients were successively enrolled in group A (n=40, without communication mode planning) and group B (n=40, with SBAR communication mode implemented). Observation: Nurses' mastery of the patient's condition; Clinical evaluation of improvement in quality of life; Clinical evaluation of improvement in nursing satisfaction.
Results The nurses in Group B scored higher on the degree of mastery of the patient's condition, and the probability that the data between the groups did not support the statistical significance of the test after completing the statistical comparison with the patients in Group A was lower than the standard value (P<0.05); The clinical score of the improvement in quality of life of patients in Group B was higher, and the probability of statistically significant data between groups that did not support the trial after completing statistical comparisons with patients in Group A was lower than the standard value (P<0.05); The clinical evaluation scores of all dimensions of nursing satisfaction of patients in Group B were higher, and the probability of statistically significant data between groups that did not support the trial after completing statistical comparisons with patients in Group A was lower than the standard value (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Planning a communication model for patients in the intensive care unit can help improve their quality of life and evaluate their satisfaction with clinical care.

Key words: Critical care; Communication mode planning; SBAR mode

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惠玉凤, 赵文梅, SBAR 沟通模式在重症监护室护理交接班中的应用[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (4) : 32-35.