目的 探究消毒供应中心集中处理眼科精密器械的技巧及效果。方法 选择本院消毒供应中心内处理的眼科精密器械200件进行研究,时间均为2022年。数字表法分组:一组为对照组,100件,行常规管理;一组为观察组,100件,行持续质量改进管理。比较两组器械医护使用满意度以及管理前后器械处理质量得分。结果 观察组器械医护使用满意度较对照组高(P<0.05)。观察组管理后器械处理中清洗、消毒、包装得分均较对照组高(P<0.05)。结论 消毒供应中心集中处理眼科精密器械中,应用持续质量改进管理效果显著,可提升器械处理质量,还可提高器械使用的满意度,值得推广。
关键词: 眼科精密器械;消毒供应中心;集中处理质量;持续质量改进;满意度
Objective To investigate the skills and effects of centralized handling of ophthalmic precision instruments in disinfection supply centers. Methods two hundred items of ophthalmic precision instruments processed within the disinfection supply center of our hospital were selected for the study, all from 2022. Number table method grouping: one group was control group, 100 pieces, underwent routine management; One group was the observation group, 100 items, with continuous quality improvement management. Satisfaction with device healthcare use and scores for the quality of device handling before and after administration were compared between the two groups. Results satisfaction with device healthcare use was higher in the observation group than in the control group (P < 0.05). The scores of washing, disinfection and packaging in the instrument handling after management in the observation group were higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion s the application of continuous quality improvement management in the centralized processing of ophthalmic precision instruments in disinfection supply centers has shown great results, can improve the quality of instrument processing, and can also improve the satisfaction of instrument use, which is worth promoting.
Key words: Ophthalmic precision instruments; Disinfection supply centers; Centralized processing quality; Continuous quality improvement; Satisfaction
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