Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (4) ; 9-11 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230143.
Value of seamless nursing intervention in patients with emergency pelvic fractures
孟丹丹 *
郑州大学第一附属医院南院区 河南郑州
孟丹丹,单位:郑州大学第一附属医院南院区 河南郑州;
发布时间: 2023-04-24 总浏览量: 321
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目的 急诊骨盆骨折患者应用无缝隙护理的作用。方法 分组方式为随机数字表法,实验时间在2022年1月~2023年1月期间,实验对象为我院接收的50例急诊骨盆骨折患者,平均分为对照组和舒适组,每组入组病人25例,采用不同的护理方法,分别为常规护理,及无缝隙护理。将焦虑、抑郁评分、满意度、生活质量情况作为两组护理效果的对比指标。结果 两组病人经过不同的护理后,舒适组别的病人明显各项指标更优(P<0.05),从病人的焦虑、抑郁评分来看,在进行护理前,两组的心理状态无差异,在护理后舒适组优,P<0.05;调查急诊骨盆骨折患者的护理满意度结果显示,舒适组优,P<0.05;通过生活质量几项功能调查,在护理前,两组病人的生理和心理功能无差异,在护理后,舒适组优,P<0.05。结论 对急诊骨盆骨折患者采用无缝隙护理能够提高病人的生活质量,并且在护理效果和焦虑、抑郁评分等方面作用相对明显,值得推广。
关键词: 常规护理;骨盆骨折;生活质量;焦虑、抑郁评分;无缝隙护理
Objective To study the effect of seamless nursing in emergency patients with pelvic fracture. Methods The grouping method was random number table method. The experiment period was from January 2022 to January 2023. The experimental subjects were 50 patients with emergency pelvic fracture received in our hospital, and were divided into control group and comfort group on average, with 25 patients in each group. Scores of anxiety and depression, satisfaction and quality of life were used as comparison indicators of nursing effects between the two groups. Results Two groups of patients after different nursing, the comfort group of patients significantly better indicators (P<0.05), from the patient's anxiety, depression score, before nursing, two groups of mental state no difference, after nursing comfort group is better, P<0.05; The results of nursing satisfaction of patients with emergency pelvic fracture showed that comfort group was superior, P<0.05; According to several functional surveys of quality of life, there was no difference in physical and psychological function between the two groups before nursing, and the comfort group was superior after nursing, P<0.05. Conclusion Seamless nursing for patients with emergency pelvic fracture can improve the quality of life of patients, and has a relatively obvious effect on the nursing effect, anxiety and depression scores, which is worth promoting.
Key words: Routine nursing; Pelvic fracture; Quality of life; Anxiety and depression scores; Seamless care
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